Tips to Help Build Your Child?s Writing Skills


Developing writing skills is mandatory for all ages, especially children when it comes to their academic and career progression, but it is the neglected practice in this technology-driven world. Besides, the new generation doesn’t understand its current and prospective benefits. If you are the worried parent in this situation, bother no more because we are here with some top writing skills to help your child.

Create a Workspace

Preparing a workspace solely for writing is an essential thing before initiating work. Look around the house for a small cozy space that is unused or hidden. Finding a place like this will help the writer avoid distractions, which will help your child work peacefully and efficiently—thus improve writing skills. A disorganized place decreases our motivation to work. Tidy up the place so that your child does not hesitate to step into the workspace. This could increase their interest as well as productivity. Broken things are a menace to people who try to concentrate on something, especially writers. It hinders them from their work. Be sure to remove or fix those things before building your setup to ensure your child’s writing is not obstructed and going fluently. Try to create a surrounding for the kids, which would help them motivate in writing. For example, promise your kids a treat after concluding their tasks. Mount a picture on the wall. A picture that would encourage them to complete their work. It is significant to work on your child’s writing skills from the start to help them in their future college essays. You can always seek help from Write My Essay For Me if you are having trouble completing your essays.

Encourage Reading

Child writing and child reading are the two most important things parents should work on from the start. Reading should not be just practiced by people who pursue it to improve their writing skills. It should be an essential part of your daily routine. Building writing skills will not be easy for a child unless you provoke them to read daily. There is a reason why good writers are inclined to be keen readers. Reading and writing are directly proportional. The more a kid reads, the more their vocabulary improves, making their writing skills great. Developing a kid’s vocabulary is essential as it will help them learn new-found words that they will use in their essays. They will avoid repetitive words as they would be exposed to new words while learning synonyms along with it. Reading also helps children to use words in a different context, structure, and sentences. This would make their writing unpredictable and exciting for the reader. Parents should be smart to remember fixing a time of the day entirely dedicated to reading for their children.

Make It Fun

How to help your child write? A question asked by many parents. I usually reply to them asking to try to encourage their children in word games. Children are complicated beings to handle when it comes to encouraging them with writing. Some parents take the wrong approach of forcing their kids into such activities. Remember, if you force a kid into doing something they do not want to do, their interest will drift off from that thing in a matter of seconds. Parents who treat their kids as their prized possession will never let their kid’s interest develop in more incredible things. After all, they are kids. They cannot understand what is best for them at their age, so you need to approach your children with love and softness. Start with a small step. Play games like a crossword puzzle or name place animal thing with your child that stimulates writing and reading. Kids take a keen interest in games like ‘write the word.’ In this, they have to write down each item they find before the finishing time. In the end, the one who has the most items written down wins. Games like these help children practice both reading and writing at the same time. A reputable site that they can use in their future to ensure perfect essays for colleges.

Create Writing Worksheets

Blank writing worksheets are ok, to begin with, but it is not the best approach to go with if it is for a child. Blank writing sheets can be immensely daunting to a child who is writing correctly for the first time. Not only for children, but it can be intimidating for professional writers as well sometimes. Nevertheless, creating writing worksheets will help a child write more efficiently than blank sheets. Kids aged between seven to ten should be provided with sheets they can trace upon, known as trace sheets. Write some letters or alphabets on a piece of paper. Then put another piece of paper and ask your child to trace it. Creating a connect the dots game will be of immense help to the child in which you place the dots so that it forms an alphabet or a letter. Not only will this develop their skills in writing, but it will also improve their tidiness in handwriting. 

Use Technology To Improve Writing

As mentioned earlier, today’s world is technology-driven, which causes people to practice one’s writing skills less than usual. However, we can use it for our benefits as well rather than letting it deteriorate writing. Technology plays a major role in our lives. There is no denying that. So we should make the most of it. Try making your child write blogs on the internet to get a worldwide experience. It will improve and encourage their writing skills through technology. The usage of plagiarism software is promoted for writing the help of the child. Plagiarism software will help if you are doubtful about your child stealing content from the internet. After all, the goal is to improve the child’s creativity in writing. One of the main benefits the internet provides us with is information. Allow your child to have access to resources on the internet to create a good piece of writing.

Use Grammar Checks

A renowned application for the correction of your kid’s grammar should be used—just like Grammarly. This app can help you with your essays too. However, if you are preparing a college essay, pay for essays is highly recommended—a renowned site which writes essays professionally.


Anyone can do the writing, but good writing is a talent few possess. Teaching your kids to write from an early age would help your children in every corner of their life. So if you want the same for your children, the tips mentioned above are perfect.

Author of the article:

Bio: Darren Barden is a writing coach. Darren is working on new campaigns as well as re-jigging and putting a slant on work in progress. He is able to write short, mid, and long-form copy for truly omnichannel campaigns such as: OOH, TV, digital, social networks, print, and more for Writemyessayforme.