Santa?s open letter to us

Dear humans,

Ho ho ho! ( I’ve never really understood why I’m supposed to say this.

Christmas is almost upon us and as is usually the case, my elves and I have been hard at work, ensuring that your gifts are delivered to your kids on time. My job is to separate naughty from the nice but every year I find that all the kids are all actually very nice… it’s their parents who need to be addressed.

To begin with, I love all of you. But it’s time I remind you what this little thing called love means. Guys, here’s the memo: Your latest phone does not matter. Neither does your big home (called 2BHK) in or a bigger car, bitcoins and fidget spinners (Okay, I’ll let the last one go, because those are really fun). What matters is this:

Celebrating life.

Let me tell you some of the letters I get. 8-year-old Rhea writes that her father missed her classical singing performance at the school’s Annual Day for the 2nd year in a row in favour of going for his company retreat. Or little Aryan who has dinner in front of the TV on most nights because his parents are out. No matter how much the world changes and how many apps are launched, the letters never change.

Life’s true gifts like family, friendships and a lot of dark chocolate binges. I know this sounds odd from a man who is revered for his “gift giving skills” but hey, I’m wise so you’d do well to listen to me. Kids are really easy to please. I browse through their Snapchats, Facebooks and Instagrams to know what is it that they long for but, I only plan for their Christmas. It is parents who plan for their life.

I have a goal every Christmas and that is to deliver joy on the morning of 25th December. On that day, it’s my job. For the rest of the year, it’s yours. To spend time with them, hold them, save for them, plan for their future, and have lots of fun with them. Believe me, kids are fun.

So, let me stop being sentimental and get back to planning my gifts.

Now, isn’t that better than Ho Ho Ho!

This article was originally published on Arre.

Featured image: Sushant Ahire/Arré