My Woman of Substance

Don’t you just love that message? The beauty of men and women helping each other along the way and securing their future.

Women are an integral part of our society and gone are the days where a glass ceiling stood in the way of achieving greatness. From being heads of state to leading armed forces squadrons, women continue to lead by way of example. What we need to do is to support them and celebrate their achievements and accolades.

I would accredit that woman of substance to my wife and life partner. I can’t imagine what my life would be without her. She plays an integral role of not simply being my best friend but someone that helps me be the best at whatever I do. She is smart, unassuming and confident and has been the backbone to our household. Since both of us are engrossed with our work, we both do our part in tracking our finances and keeping our lives in order. She found it cumbersome at first, but together we cracked the code for our dealings in finance.

She leads by example and has taught me important skills which I’m happy has rubbed off on the boys. Whether it was being a great parent or bringing out the best in our children, she always had a keen way of ensuring that they come out on top! I simply marvel at how effortlessly she switches between tasks and never seems to tire from being a great parent. But, this is again, something we do together- I help out whenever I can and I see my primary role in life is to take care of her and support her decisions. It doesn’t matter if it is in her career or a Parent-Teacher meeting- we are the ultimate team. When one gets tired, the other takes over.

Despite my crazy shifts, we both find ways to entertain the kids and ensure that go to school, their piano recitals, their swims in the evening and ensure they complete their homework. Whenever a child is sick, we take it in turn to help them and ensure that we share an equal responsibility in everything we do.

If it wasn’t for my wife, I would not be able to pursue my passion for adventure and travel. She completes me and my life would not be the same without her. The least I should do is to ensure that my family is safe and secure. They help me in unimaginable ways and I acknowledge them for looking out for me. After looking through the video, I reviewed the Max Life knowledge centre. With its well explained and detailed information on policy information, I found the best plans for my family. This included several insurance policies like health, cancer insurance plan, life, medical policies, Online Term Plan Plus and more. With this, I look forward to a safe, fulfilling and eventful life with my wife.

Let’s acknowledge our women in our life, this International Women’s Day and thank them for their constant support and encouragement.