Gaganyaan Mission: Prime Minister Modi Reveals Elite Astronaut Team, commends India’s Rising Global Space impact. In a momentous achievement for India’s space endeavours, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the names of the four astronauts selected for the ambitious Gaganyaan human space flight mission. The ceremony, hosted at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Thiruvananthapuram, witnessed the Prime Minister awarding astronaut wings to the chosen individuals, underscoring India’s expanding prominence in the international space landscape.
The selected astronauts, who will play a pivotal role in advancing India’s space exploration capabilities, were introduced as follows:
1. Group Captain Prasanth Balakrishnan Nair – Born in Thiruvazhiyad, Kerala, on August 26, 1976, Group Captain Prasanth Balakrishnan Nair is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy (NDA). He achieved the prestigious Sword of Honour at the Air Force Academy and was commissioned on December 19, 1998, in the fighter stream of the Indian Air Force (IAF). With approximately 3000 hours of flying experience, he has flown a diverse range of aircraft, including Su-30 MKI, MiG-21, MiG-29, Hawk, Dornier, and An-32. Gp Capt Nair is also a United States Staff College alumnus and has commanded a premier fighter Su-30 Squadron.
2. Group Captain Ajit Krishnan- Hailing from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Group Captain Ajit Krishnan was born on April 19, 1982. An NDA alumnus, he received the President’s Gold Medal and Sword of Honour at the Air Force Academy. Commissioned on June 21, 2003, in the fighter stream of the IAF, Gp Capt Krishnan is a Flying Instructor and Test Pilot with around 2900 hours of flying experience. His extensive repertoire includes flying Su-30 MKI, MiG-21, MiG-29, Jaguar, Dornier, An-32, among others. He is also an alumnus of DSSC, Wellington.
3. Group Captain Angad Pratap- Born in Prayagraj on July 17, 1982, Group Captain Angad Pratap is an NDA alumnus and was commissioned on December 18, 2004, in the fighter stream of the IAF. As a Flying Instructor and Test Pilot, he boasts approximately 2000 hours of flying experience across various aircraft, including Su-30 MKI, MiG-21, MiG-29, Jaguar, Hawk, Dornier, An-32, among others.
4. Wing Commander Shubhanshu Shukla- Born in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, on October 10, 1985, Wing Commander Shubhanshu Shukla is an NDA alumnus. Commissioned on June 17, 2006, in the fighter stream of the IAF, Wg Cdr Shukla is a Fighter Combat Leader and Test Pilot with approximately 2000 hours of flying experience. His diverse aviation background includes flying Su-30 MKI, MiG-21, MiG-29, Jaguar, Hawk, Dornier, An-32, among others.
Prime Minister Modi praised the selected astronauts, highlighting their outstanding achievements and diverse experiences. Their inclusion in the Gaganyaan mission reflects India’s commitment to advancing its space capabilities and strengthening its position on the global stage. The Gaganyaan mission will mark a historic leap in India’s space exploration journey, showcasing the nation’s technological prowess and spacefaring ambitions.