Everything you need to know about continuous learning and how to go about it

One of the biggest milestones in our lives is when we complete our formal education. Whether it is graduation, post-graduation or a PhD, there is always a sense of achievement and completion. While the classroom learning ends, a different kind of learning begins. To be successful in your career, there has to be a keen awareness of the fact that learning doesn’t end with the degree on the mantle.

With technology and new inventions changing the way businesses function, there is a need to unlearn and learn ever so frequently. This is critical for not just those who are starting their careers, but even for those who have decades of experience in the field. These years of experience contribute by adding to our wisdom and helping us build foresight. At the same time, knowing the tried and tested ways is no longer enough to succeed in our constantly evolving world. 

Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and technology, are rendering many jobs and tasks obsolete. While they are the most visible force behind the changes that we are encountering in our professional lives, they aren’t the only factors influencing this change. The way we lead our lives, professional ambitions, generational change, and globalisation have also reformed our expectations and goals. As the world becomes a smaller place and ideas are exchanged rapidly through social media, learning and success take on a new meaning.

While the need for continuous learning is felt universally, adopting an open attitude and putting the concept in practice isn’t as easy as it seems. Considering the monumental changes that have happened in the world of marketing, my belief in the concept of continuous learning gets reinforced with every momentous development. Navigating this new world is challenging, but not impossible with the right skillset and attitudinal changes.

Try the unconventional

Along with believing in the concept of continuous learning, it is important to know that it doesn’t always happen through traditional methods. While your workplace may or may not invest effort in creating learning opportunities, it is essential to seek them out yourself. It could simply involve dedicating an hour to reading every day or taking part in reverse mentoring efforts.

While the emphasis has always been on learning from the experienced professionals, there is a lot to be learnt from the younger professionals as well. They are not only closely in touch with the technological trends, but also filled with fresh ideas and techniques that can be used to create more business and increase productivity. Interactions with these young individuals are mutually beneficial and enriching for everyone.

Learn from diversity

Long gone are the days where career trajectories were set in stone. Today, workplaces are an amalgamation of individuals from different walks of lives and professional backgrounds. This diversity is a boon for all companies. It offers an opportunity to interact and learn from each other. Opportunities for diverse individuals to collaborate and come together to achieve a common goal are an excellent platform to create learning situations for your team and yourself. Actively promoting such cross-functional collaboration proves continuous learning doesn’t have to be only through formalized initiatives; it can become a part of the company culture.

Ask for feedback

Another essential part of continuous learning is accepting the need to improve and embracing a learning mindset. An ideal way to develop this is to introduce avenues to receive feedback from your peers, team members, customers, and clients. Feedback illustrates the areas of improvement and creates the path towards progress. Along with that, feedback is also an essential element that can help you improve your leadership skills and style. If you are at an earlier stage of your career, feedback and open dialogue will help you excel at your job while also helping you grow as an individual.

Often continuous learning is discussed as a part of learning and talent development strategies at the workplace. While these are crucial for the employees and the entire organization, it is important to remember that learning begins with a mindset. Continuous learning can go beyond a particular initiative and become a part of the company culture through these methods. A mix of traditional and the unconventional, a bit of direct and some of the indirect, can urge this necessary transformation into becoming reality.  A

Lalit Makhijani is the Chief Marketing Officer at Godrej Properties (GPL).  

21st century skillsContinuous learningJob hacksThought leadership