What Our Cars Might Look Like in 10 Years Time

In recent years, cars have become more advanced than we thought might be possible. Many cars now come with an autopilot feature, some have built-in maps, and others let passengers watch movies.

But what might our cars look like and offer us in 10 years time? 

Voice Assistant 

Most of us have at least one device at home that works as a voice assistant. Perhaps cars of the future will do the same. 

They might be able to tell us:

  • What traffic is like on our chosen routes
  • What messages other people have left us
  • Where our car transport company is
  • How to switch our home lights on before we get there

Voice assistants can do almost anything these days. It will be interesting to see how much they can do if they’re installed in our vehicles. 

Smart Glass

Smart glass could be added in place of sun visors. You may no longer have to struggle to see the road.

Smart glass could potentially make it easier and safer to drive. 

Adding more tint to the windshield when sunlight is detected could be the solution. 

All-Electric Vehicles 

Electric vehicles are now becoming increasingly popular. Some cars are completely electric, others are hybrid. 

Perhaps in 10 years time, all cars will be electric. There might also be:

  • Electric vehicle chargers at all gas stations
  • Electric vehicle chargers outside newly built homes
  • Charging stations that charge cars at a faster rate 
  • Areas of towns and cities where only electric vehicles can go 

There may even be an alternative fuel source, one that car manufacturers have not considered yet. 

Exterior and Interior 

In just 10 years, drivers might be able to 

  • Quickly change a car’s exterior and interior.
  • At the touch of a button, a blue car can turn green.
  • Using voice commands, the interior can go from light brown to black. 
  • Use technology to make sure people can find their cars in a parking lot no matter what color they’ve switched the car to

Cars may also be more aerodynamic and have a smoother appearance. They may even have more space for storage due to smaller engines being fitted. 

Connective Technology 

In 10 years, cars might be able to synchronize movements with other vehicles. In other words, cars on the freeway, for example, might all travel the same speed. 

When all cars travel at the same speed and at a safe distance, there may be fewer accidents. 

The vehicle may also be able to control the brightness of its lights. It might also use tire sensors to tell authorities when the road needs to be repaired. 

We can only wonder what cars of the future might look like. However, it’s fair to say that they’re likely to offer every driver an impressive range of features. 

In the meantime, we all enjoy the features that the very latest cars can offer us. 

Auto IndustryElectric Vehiclesfuture of carsfuture of motoring