Top 4 Video Games for Travel Fans

If you cannot afford a real trip yet, why not try to travel virtually? Video games can take you anywhere in the world, even to other universes. All you need to do to get an unforgettable traveling experience is to have a good Internet connection to play video games online on Game Karma or download a game to any working device.

Top 4 video games about traveling:

·         Call of the Sea

·         Death Stranding

·         Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

·         The Flame in the Flood

Call of the Sea

Location: tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean.

In the 1930s, Nora comes to the islands of Polynesia to find her disappeared husband Harry. He is an anthropologist who assembled an expedition to study the strange unearthly writing of the islanders.

The game is reminiscent of other walking simulators with a storyline like What Remains of Edith Finch or Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture: roam the locations, solve puzzles, and collect memorabilia —audio diaries, notes, and photographs that explain where everyone disappeared.

Death Stranding

Location: the USA after the apocalypse, but the landscapes are reminiscent of Iceland.

In the post-apocalyptic world, courier Sam Bridges delivers essentials to underground cities, sheltered from the creatures inhabiting the surface.

In Death Stranding, there is a unique, difficult terrain. Nature is reminiscent of what the traveler Robert McFarland once called “a skull under the skin of the earth.” Meanwhile, the level designer Iuliu-Cosmin Oniscu described the game environment as the main antagonist of the game and the seat of eco-horror.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Location: Eastern edge of medieval England.

For the first time in the history of the Assassin franchise, you will not be playing as a member of the Brotherhood. Eivor, a warrior from the Raven clan, was about to avenge the death of his father in native Norway when his brother’s drag car sailed to the shore. Two assassins from the Abbasid Caliphate who were with him offered to immediately go to war against England. Then, almost the series “Vikings” begins.

The game offers spacious geography, a lot of well-written (in the manner of The Witcher 3) third-party quests, a mini-game in the local analog of backgammon, and heart-to-heart conversations with the gods (yes, there will be Loki and Thor).

The Flame in the Flood

Location: post-apocalyptic rivers.

In the book Wittgenstein’s Mistress by postmodernist David Markson, the main character drifts in a boat in a post-apocalyptic world. In this game, the plot is exactly the same: a girl named Scout and her dog live on a raft and float down a river that has flooded almost the entire earth. They are rafting in the direction of a mysterious radio signal, confirming that there are other survivors.

The game is a typical survival game like Don’t Starve or The Long Dark. This means that you need to carefully monitor the indicators of heat, thirst, and hunger. Going on a new path each time, Scout will make stops on the islands, cook food, and make tools.

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