Top 3 Fastest Ways to Earn Money From Home in 2021

The rise of the internet has opened up a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to making money. And this is especially relevant to us over the last year since the pandemic has left a lot of stuck at home most of the time. 

People are out of work, and are struggling to find focus and direction in their lives, and for those in that position, who are also in need of some extra income, you should start exploring what earning opportunities the internet has to offer.

Of course, what kind of work is available to you will depend on the skills that you have on offer. If you are educated and experienced in something that is remote-friendly, you could try and find freelance work in your own industry, perhaps in a position such as a technical writer.

If not, that doesn’t mean that you are out of luck. There are numerous sources of income which don’t require a huge amount of expertise, or can be picked up on with just a little bit of time and practice. 

Let’s take a look at some of the fastest ways you can earn money from home in 2021. 


There are a few different ways in which you can make teaching an online career. Similar to what I touched on above in regards to technical writing, If possible you could try to find work teaching in an industry you have a certain amount of expertise in.

But if that’s not something which seems like it would work for you, there is also the option of teaching English as a second language. There are many families, mainly in East Asian countries who seek out English tutors for their children.

This will take a little bit of preparation and training, but it’s surprisingly less difficult to get qualified for this job than you would think. There are many companies you can teach through which only require you to do one course beforehand.

The TEFL course is something which is applicable to anyone and getting that particular qualification should open up all available opportunities in this field. This is especially useful if you are in the U.S and do have another job during the day because the time difference will mean that your evenings will be early for East Asians children.

Selling & Reselling

You probably have an awful lot of stuff in your home which you don’t use anymore. I think all of us are hoarders on some level, we don’t want to part with things we spent money on or which were useful to us at some point.

But if you did a little digging through your home and gathered everything which you don’t use anymore, you would probably have a few hundred dollars worth of stuff which you could sell on eBay or other auction sites.

Taking that a step further, you could set up your own online shop and make a consistent income through that. It doesn’t even have to be things that you’ve personally made, you could also try reselling.

It would be great if you could figure out your own niche, maybe you buy and sell rare books, or antiques or clothes. You could put together a website for your shop and also advertise on social media. 

If you do this right, it can be an excellent source of income which can eventually be passive too. 


Blogging can be a bit of a tricky one to get started in, but once you have figured out how to make money as a blogger, it will start to roll in very quickly. And in this, I would encompass vlogging too.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be a particularly talented writer to be a successful blogger, what you really need to have is something interesting to say. You need to find a specific niche.

You no doubt have your own interests, and no matter what they are, I guarantee you that others have them too and will be researching them regularly. Try to be unique within your own niche too.

Popular topics are things like sports, movies and beauty, and the successful bloggers in those topics are the ones who put their own spin on content. Two great ways to ensure that people happen upon your blog, are through social media and SEO. 

Have corresponding Twitter and Instagram accounts for your blog and update those every time you have a new post or video, making sure you use relevant tags. When it comes to beauty, it’s all about Instagram. When it comes to SEO, it’s all about keywords.

Research and find out what keywords people search and incorporate them into your content. And then to make money as a blogger, the best course of action is through ads or sponsored posts. 

Again, it’s a tough area to work your way into, but one of the most lucrative ones online in 2021 once you have it cracked. 

These are just three of the choices that you can look to to try and make money online, but it’s barely the tip of the iceberg. If none of these are of interest to you, that’s fine because there are so many options that you can find with a bit of exploration.