Things you need to consider when shopping online

Online shopping has become very popular, especially during COVID times because people prefer shopping in the safety of their own home rather than going to a physical location filled with many other people. Online shopping is also very convenient. All you need is a mobile device and an internet connection. You don’t need to travel anywhere and you can shop just about anything without even leaving your bed. There are many things you need to consider when shopping online including certain things to give you a more secure and better experience. If you’re new to online shopping, or even if you’re a veteran, here are some things to consider. 

Shipping costs

Studies show that 88% of online shoppers are more likely to purchase on sites that offer free shipping because shipping costs can easily get out of hand. For certain locations, international shipping can be incredibly expensive. Shipping costs are inevitable, and oftentimes you will even need to pay for customs as well. Thankfully, there are shipping services such as MyUS that offer affordable shipping to more than 220 countries and territories, including  Australia. If you ever need to have your packages from popular US and UK stores shipped to Australia, you can check the shipping rates on MyUS allows customers to shop from US and UK stores without having to worry if their package will reach its destination safely. 

Payment options

Another important thing that you will need to consider is payment options. You need to note that not all online shopping portals have easy and convenient payment options and if you are shopping on international sites, your host country might have limited payment options which might result in you having to use a card from back home which is inconvenient. Before purchasing anything, you need to look at their payment options. Customers are more likely to pay quicker and sooner if they have easy payment options. 


Sometimes we are looking for a very specific product to purchase and a situation may arise where the product we are looking for is not available in our host country. Online shopping is a solution to this problem because it provides access to almost every single brand available and this makes it very easy to find products that you might struggle to find when going shopping at physical venues. It is incredibly easy and convenient to find any product you desire online which adds to the appeal and popularity of online shopping. 


The internet is not a safe place and it carries risks of being scammed which is a massive risk for any online shopper. When shopping online, make sure that the website you are using has “HTTP” in the URL as well as a padlock icon in the address bar because this is an indication that the site you are using is designed to be secure. You also want to make sure you only shop at reputable sites because there are many clone sites on the internet. To make sure the site is reputable, look at the spelling of the URL and also look at the site contact information. This should always display the company name, address, and contact number. Another tip is to avoid sites that have prices that are too good to be true and never click on pop-up ads because oftentimes, they will redirect you to a malicious site. You also want to avoid paying with a debit card and use a credit card instead. This will protect you from fraud. Lastly, never disclose your personal information.

Coupons and subscription sites 

Many online shoppers will have access to coupons. You can search online coupons by visiting aggregator sites such as or RetailMeNot and you can use these coupons to save money on your purchase. Sites will require you to simply type in the coupon code to save on purchases as well as to access other promotions and deals on offer. Some sites require you to click on a link to get your discount while others just require a code to be entered. Online coupons expire so keep this in mind. Remember, coupons online are often also redeemable in-store as well.

E-commerceonline shopping