The Benefits of Technology for Fleet Safety

If your company has multiple vehicles, you might find that some drivers do not follow the rules while they are on the road. The good news is you can use cameras and other technology to prevent accidents by identifying unsafe driving. 

Installing Technology in Your Vehicle

There are plenty of different kinds of technology to choose from when it comes to keeping your vehicle safe. For example, one option is adaptive headlights. These will turn on when you turn the steering wheel, which helps ensure drivers can properly see where they are turning. You can use AI dash cams for video-based safety and real-time incident detection and preventative in-cab coaching. AI dash cams have been proven to protect drivers while lowering costs. That’s because having these cameras in place can prevent accidents.

You can also look for vehicles with electronic stability control, which is a newer type of technology that can prevent a vehicle from going out of control. It is especially helpful in environments that can be a bit more hazardous, such as icy roads. It reduces the amount of engine power as brakes are applied to the wheels if there is an accident. It can reduce the likelihood of a rollover from happening. Many accidents happen because of distracted driving, so reducing distractions in the cab is critical. There are devices that can monitor drivers for signs of drunkenness or other distraction. They will stop the vehicle from moving if they suspect distraction.

Staying Safer on the Road

With things like the evolution of ride sharing and the boom in logistics-based businesses, technology can help drivers stay safer on the roads in general. They will be able to use technology to prevent an accident. Collision avoidance technology can detect when another vehicle is too close to the driver, and it might take actions to rectify the situation, such as automatically braking. If you install cameras around the vehicle, the driver can tell at a glance whether someone is in their blind spot. And these can be helpful when backing up large vehicles as well.

Reduced Costs

Technology like cameras can reduce operating expenses, even though there is some cost associated with installing the piece. You will find this technology is helpful when you have a customer dispute or need to file an insurance claim. During a situation like this, you can use the technology to back up your statements on what really happened. If you have cameras or other tracking devices, you can use that information.

Defending Your Drivers

There have been many instances of drivers facing false accusations, especially since drivers for a company are often held to a higher standard than those in a personal vehicle. Even if your driver is not at fault, it’s still very possible for an accident to be blamed on them. When others do not know how to drive safely around trucks, it creates a hazard for your own employees. Once you have cameras in place, it will be easy to show what really happened during the accident. And a driver can defend themselves against these accusations.

Fleet Management TechnologyGPS Fleet Tracking SoftwareImproving Fleet Safety