Spleen Removal Surgery – What you need to know

A fist-sized organ located on the left side of your abdomen, the Spleen is an important part of your immune system that helps produce red blood cells and fight infections. A Spleen Removal Surgery leaves your immune system compromised and vulnerable to diseases and infections.

A dysfunctional spleen can result in the loss of red blood and white blood cells, thus causing Anemia, which is why this is a necessary step towards safeguarding one’s life.

When Is this Surgery Needed?

An enlarged spleen can be life-threatening and signs of rupture, pain in the left abdominal region, or on the left shoulder indicate signs of spleen dysfunctioning.

This surgery is also known as a Splenectomy, is needed during the following cases:

  • Damaged spleen due to accident/injury
  • Enlargement of Spleen
  • Spleen Cancer
  • Blood clots in Splenic Blood Vessels
  • Blood disorders like Haemolytic Anaemia and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)

Why Is It Needed: Hypersplenism, a condition that clogs the spleen and destroys healthy red blood cells through interferes with the Spleen’s functioning. This can lead to excessive internal bleeding which turns into a life-threatening condition if Surgery is not carried out on the patient.

After The Surgery

You will be administered medications for pain relief and antibiotics for fighting against infections after surgery. Splenectomy Doctors in Mumbai advise patients to stay back at the hospital for one or two days after the surgery depending on the patient’s condition.

It takes four to six weeks for complete recovery after surgery and care must be taken not to lift heavy objects and take plenty of rest. You must not take baths after a surgery since wounds need to heal and sutures must be kept in place.

Your bowel movement will be irregular after surgery and you must take a fiber supplement every day. If you notice no bowel movements after surgery, you can reach out to your doctor through PSTakeCare and inquire about taking a mild laxative.

Diet, Nutrition, and Lifestyle for a Healthy Spleen

Optimizing your diet and nutrition will go a long way in taking care of your spleen and avoid a spleen removal procedure in the first place. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, maintaining a healthy spleen is a relatively easy fix and requires a transition to a healthy lifestyle and implementing good dietary habits. Here’s what you can do to maintain a healthy spleen-

  • Avoid Iced Drinks – The Spleen hates cold and can’t process the stress caused by cold beverages. Avoiding iced drinks and consuming warm foods is key to a healthy spleen since the spleen requires energy for digestion. Brown rice, organic lean meats, and lightly cooked vegetables are recommended foods for a healthy spleen.
  • Relax – Doing relaxing activities, chewing food mindfully, and avoiding multitasking can go a long way in maintaining a relaxed and healthy spleen. It is understandable that time is of the essence, however, where the spleen is concerned, you must put in the time to reduce stress and maintain it.
  • Eat Soups – Warm, slowly cooked, tender soups are ideal for your spleen. Most patients have some sort of spleen deficiency either way and soups are easily digestible and provide your body with a surplus of energy.


Photo Source: Visual hunt