LCD Soundsystem When Someone Great is Gone

Loss is an inevitable part of the human experience, a universal journey that everyone navigates in their own unique way. In the realm of music, certain songs have a remarkable ability to encapsulate the complex emotions associated with loss. Among these, LCD Soundsystem’s “Someone Great” stands out not only for its poignant lyrics and emotive delivery but also for its ability to resonate deeply with listeners on a personal level.

In the realm of musical tributes to loss, LCD Soundsystem’s “Someone Great” holds a distinctive place. Written by James Murphy, a luminary in the music industry known for his introspective lyrics and innovative soundscapes, this song has garnered acclaim for its raw emotional depth and profound exploration of grief. Released as part of the 2007 album Sound of Silver, “Someone Great” captures the essence of mourning and the profound impact of losing someone dear.

Quick Data Point: “Someone Great” by LCD Soundsystem:

Artist LCD Soundsystem
Song Title Someone Great
Album Sound of Silver
Release Year 2007
Writer James Murphy
Genre Dance-punk, electronic
Theme Grief, loss, reflection

Exploration of “Someone Great”:

The Lyrics and Their Impact:

James Murphy’s Poetic Narration:

The lyrics of “Someone Great” are a masterclass in poetic storytelling. Murphy weaves together mundane details and profound emotions to paint a vivid picture of loss. Lines like “To tell the truth I saw it coming / The way, you were breathing” capture the anticipatory grief that often accompanies loss, making it deeply relatable to anyone who has experienced the sudden absence of a loved one.

Emotional Intensity through Simplicity:

Murphy’s ability to find profundity in simplicity is evident throughout the song. He juxtaposes ordinary observations about weather and daily routines with the overwhelming emotional turmoil of grief. “The worst is all the lovely weather / I’m stunned it’s not raining” illustrates the dissonance between personal anguish and the indifferent continuity of the world.

The Music and Its Emotional Landscape:

Danceable Melancholy:

While “Someone Great” is fundamentally a song about loss, its musical arrangement is unexpectedly upbeat and danceable. This juxtaposition allows listeners to experience grief in a multifaceted way, blending sorrow with cathartic movement. The song’s pulsating rhythms and crescendo build-ups mirror the tumultuous emotions of grief, creating a visceral connection between music and listener.

Purposeful Sound Design:

James Murphy’s meticulous attention to sound is evident in every aspect of the song. From the carefully orchestrated instrumentation to the abrupt yet poignant ending, each element serves to amplify the emotional impact of the lyrics. This deliberate approach underscores the song’s ability to evoke a spectrum of emotions, mirroring the rollercoaster of feelings that accompanies loss.

The Mystery Surrounding “Someone Great”:

A Song for Every Loss:

Intentional Ambiguity:

One of the song’s most compelling aspects is its intentional ambiguity regarding the identity of the person being mourned. James Murphy has intentionally refrained from divulging specific details, allowing listeners to project their own experiences onto the song. This deliberate ambiguity transforms “Someone Great” into a universal anthem for loss, capable of resonating with diverse audiences regardless of their personal circumstances.

Personalization of Grief:

By withholding explicit details, Murphy encourages listeners to find their own meaning in the song. Whether mourning a parent, sibling, friend, or lover, the song’s central theme – that someone great is gone – transcends individual relationships. It speaks to the broader human experience of grappling with irreparable loss and the enduring impact of those we cherish.

Why “Someone Great” Stands Out?

Personal Reflections on Loss:

A Song of Resonance:

Ultimately, what makes “Someone Great” a standout in the landscape of songs about loss is its ability to resonate deeply with listeners on a personal level. While the experience of grief is deeply subjective, Murphy’s lyrical prowess and musical composition capture the essence of mourning in a way that feels both intimate and universal. The song serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring impact of loss and the power of music to articulate emotions that words alone cannot express.

Empowerment through Expression:

For many, “Someone Great” has become more than a song; it is a tool for processing grief, finding solace, and honoring cherished memories. By sharing his own experience of loss through music, James Murphy has empowered countless individuals to confront their grief openly and authentically. The song’s ability to evoke profound emotions while offering a sense of catharsis underscores its enduring relevance in the realm of musical expression.


In conclusion, LCD Soundsystem’s “Someone Great” stands as a testament to the transformative power of music in navigating the complexities of loss. Through James Murphy’s evocative lyrics and innovative soundscapes, the song transcends its genre, becoming a timeless ode to the enduring impact of those we love and lose. Whether danced to or contemplated in solitude, “Someone Great” continues to resonate with listeners, offering solace, reflection, and a profound sense of connection in the face of loss.