Is JIN A Scrabble Word?

Quick Answer: Yes, “jin” is a valid Scrabble word.

Meaning: “Jin” is a term used in Chinese culture to refer to a person’s inner nature, essence, or spirit.

Pronunciation: It is pronounced as “jin” (/dʒɪn/).

Example in a sentence: The ancient teachings emphasized the importance of understanding one’s jin to achieve harmony with the universe.

Words that can be made with the letters in “jin“:

  • “in”
  • “ni”


  • “jin” itself is an anagram of “jin”

Synonyms: While “jin” is a specific term in Chinese philosophy, synonyms in English could include essence, spirit, or inner nature.

Antonyms: Antonyms for “jin” would be terms denoting external or superficial qualities, such as appearance or surface characteristics.