Is CBD Oil A Natural Pain Reliever For Your Period Cramps?

It’s no secret the U.S. has been looking for alternatives to opioids for treating chronic pain in the shadow of the opioid crisis. But what about alternatives for everyday pains such as period cramps?

One of the biggest trends in pain relief for both chronic and everyday pains right now is CBD oil. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants. It’s not the same as THC and can’t get you high.

CBD makes up 40% of a cannabis plant’s extract and has been included in preliminary studies on pain, cognition, anxiety, and movement disorders. But does it really help with period cramps? And is it worth trying?

How does CBD oil affect period cramps?

There are many side-effects and symptoms that go along with the menstrual cycle that aren’t pleasant. One of them is estrogen dominance, which afflicts millions of people, and causes fatigue and bloating. Another is cramping, which is caused by contractions in the uterus.

CBD oil can’t keep your uterus from contracting during your period. But it can help to reduce inflammation, reduce nausea, and improve digestive functions, which can help to fight back against cramping.

Here are a few ways CBD oil can help you manage your symptoms:

  1. CBD reduces tenderness. During your period, you may experience tenderness in your lower back, stomach, and chest. By massaging a few drops of CBD oil< on the affected area, you can relieve some of the irritation and discomfort. This is because CBD regulates the body’s vanilloid receptor, which moderates pain perception.
  2. CBD reduces inflammation. Some studies have shown that CBD oil can help to reduce pain by reducing inflammation and interacting with the brain’s neurotransmitters. One neurotransmitter, dopamine, is produced when doing puzzles or exercising. CBD oil reduces inflammation by impacting the brain’s endocannabinoid receptor activity.
  3. CBD alleviates digestive problems. Lower back cramping, abdominal cramping, and nausea are also commonly associated with the menstrual cycle. Fortunately, CBD can ease cramping and bloating by latching onto the cannabinoid receptors. As mentioned in the first point, just massage a few drops onto the affected area.

Your period can be a major pain (in many areas), which can make it difficult to do the things you love to do every day. While CBD oil can’t end your period or reduce uterine cramping, it can reduce abdominal and lower back cramping. It can also reduce inflammation and alleviate tenderness, which can make dealing with your period less of a pain.