How to make a fitness app and make it excellent?

Just as the saying goes, “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body,” maintaining a healthy body is the key to living a happy life. However, people often find it challenging to make time out of their tight schedule, and it is also hard to find a good gym and a personal trainer.

Fortunately, due to the digital age and the internet, we can access anything from the ease of our home. There are several fitness-related apps available on the internet that are just as effective as an exercise studio. People prefer fitness apps over going to the gym because it saves their time and money. 

If you plan to create a fitness app you should read the article by Topflightapps by the link as it is a perfect guide to follow. 

Type of fitness app

When we talk about fitness, we often think of exercises or working out, although there is more to it. There are different types of health applications that have other objectives. Hence, while developing a fitness app, one must first decide what kind of fitness app they want to make. Listed below are the three types of fitness app:

  • Work-out apps: As its name suggests, this kind of app acts as a guide for exercises. It is a replacement for gyms or personal trainers. The work-out app offers users suitable activities according to their target of the user, whether he wants to build muscle, do strength training, or lose weight. 
  • Diet and nutrition apps: This type of app monitors users’ eating habits and water intake. It calculates the number of calories the user is taking by entering the app the food they consume. It has the feature to set up reminders to ensure that the user is drinking enough water.
  • Activity monitoring apps: These apps track the user’s activities, \ like it may be running, walking, etc. and counting the calories burned during such exercises. It can count the number of steps or the distance traveled. The user may set up daily goals for themselves.

Must-have Features

One can accommodate many features in the fitness app, but there are a few basic features and should be there for a better user experience. Below are a few of them:

  • Log in and Personal account- Through this feature, the user can create their account. They can also link their social media profiles with it. A personal account lets the user store their personal information, for instance, their goals, age, gender, height, weight, etc. 
  • User activity monitoring and geolocation – This enables the app to track the user’s activities and give accurate results about the user’s progress by collecting information like the distance traveled during cycling or running.
  • Notifications-Certain reminders and notifications are necessary to help the user meet their fitness goal. 
  • Educational and training videos by professionals- training videos help the user perform the exercises correctly, and educational videos provide knowledge about health and fitness.

Steps to follow

The first step is undoubtedly choosing the type of fitness app you want to develop and what features you would like to accommodate. 

Once you have decided on the type of fitness app, you need to hire a reliable team of professionals, including app developers, designers, and business analysts. The team will provide you with the estimated cost and time to develop the app.

The professional will create a prototype app as per your app’s motive and features. If you want to create a fitness app for both Android and iOS users, you will need mobile app developers specializing in both operating systems. Ensure the UI/UX design is simple to use to make the best use.

Once the app is ready, you will need to test it on various devices to ensure that the app is functioning correctly and the features are working as they are designed to do so. Any bugs found will be fixed.

Once you have launched your app, make sure that you keep up with the trends, introducing new and better features, and study the feedback given by users and act on them accordingly.


Developing and launching a fitness app can be a hectic task, especially today, when there are hundreds of health-related applications. Still, if you make sure that your app stands out from the rest of them and offers its useful features beneficial to them in the long run, success will come.