How To Create AI-Generated Content That Engages And Converts?

Posting a lot on your website and social media but not seeing results? AI-generated content is your solution.

In this article, we will explore 5 key steps to guide you in creating AI content that speaks to your audience. Then, we will dig into the best practices to implement to elevate your AI work.

By the end, you will be ready to leverage artificial intelligence to make your content engaging, valuable, and impactful.

5 Steps To Create Effective AI-Generated Content:

As you implement these steps, focus on aligning your content with your audience’s needs and your goals. Use this as a blueprint you can tweak.

Step 1: Tailor Your Content Using Audience Insights:

Base your content on your audience’s preferences, behaviors, and needs to make your content resonate with them. Doing this step also lets you guide AI to produce better-tailored content faster.

How To Achieve?

Start with thorough research of what content your audience likes the most. Use Google Analytics to see which pages attract the most visits. Go to “Reports,” choose “Engagement,” and click on “Pages and Screen” to see your page views.

For social media, use Sprout Social to get an overview of your engagement metrics (likes, comments, and shares) to see how your target audience feels about key industry topics. Use it to create content around topics with positive sentiments and avoid those that provoke negative reactions.

You can also refer to your brand’s existing audience persona. Review your target audience’s demographics, interests, goals, pain points, and motivation. Use customer feedback and reviews to learn about their content preferences.

Once you have all the data, identify key themes to see which topics they enjoy the most. Then, use the information to guide your content creation process using AI. So instead of simply telling AI to “Create a blog post about affiliate marketing,” you can be more specific using your audience insights.

For instance, if you are targeting beginners, here’s an example prompt you can use:

“Create a blog post about the best strategies for beginners to succeed in affiliate marketing. Focus on selecting profitable niches, effective marketing techniques, and common pitfalls to avoid. Include real-life examples that appeal to new marketers looking for practical advice and quick wins.”

The prompt is more detailed and offers your AI content generators a clear guide of what you want them to make so you can produce more helpful content for your audience.

Step 2: Choose The Right AI Tool:

Your AI-generated content work will only be as good as the platform you use. The right tool should mimic human writing to make your content feel authentic and not robot-like.

Also, choosing the proper tool should help you:

Automate repetitive tasks

Get fresh ideas to keep your content relevant

How To Achieve?

Look for tools that offer the specific features you need: blog post generation, SEO optimization, or social media content copy. You can even look for websites that produce AI-generated images. Then, create a shortlist.

Check each of them to see if they are user-friendly and do not require extensive technical knowledge. A simple interface can save time and reduce the learning curve.

You should also compare the prices and choose one that fits your budget. Make sure the tool offers good value for money without compromising on features.

Here’s an overview of the most popular AI tools to jumpstart your search:




Mimics human writing, versatile content generation


Great for SEO, delivers reliable content

User-friendly, ideal for short-form content


Fact-checking, generates research-based, credible content

So, if your brand focuses on tech reviews for newbies, use ChatGPT-4. It can imitate human writing to make tech jargon understandable. Plus, it helps your written content sound natural and conversational when explaining advanced concepts.

Meanwhile, if your product is in the health niche, like wellness supplements, use Scite. It checks facts against reliable sources and studies to verify the benefits you mention, which is critical for health-related claims because it can harm trust and affect user well-being.

With the right AI tool, you can make sure the content generated meets your standards and goals.

Step 3: Input Quality Data:

This involves providing accurate and relevant information to guide artificial intelligence. Using quality data lets AI algorithms create quality content that resonates, engages, and converts. It also helps produce more credible and relevant results.

How To Achieve?

First, gather relevant, accurate, and updated information from reliable sources. Use existing data and market research. Remember step 1? Leverage your audience insights as well.

For example, let’s say you are in the cosmetics niche. Get data from beauty industry reports, customer reviews, and expert opinions to create accurate articles or copy that meets your audience’s expectations.

Second, craft clear and very detailed prompts. Specify the topic, tone, and key points to cover. Instead of “Write about skincare,” use:

“Write a conversational, informative blog post about the benefits of natural ingredients in skincare products. Cover key points like common natural ingredients, their benefits for different skin types, and tips for incorporating them into a daily routine. Make sure to use active voice “

Lastly, ensure human oversight. Have someone review AI-generated content to make sure it aligns with your standards and correct any errors or inconsistencies. Then, use the insights from the review to give your AI  feedback to improve its performance and your future content.

When it comes to inputting data, do not be afraid to experiment. Create as many prompts as you can to get the quality you want. Refine your approach whenever needed to make sure your content is accurate, coherent, and aligned with your brand.

Step 4: Optimize For Engagement & Conversion:

Once you have your draft, optimize it to make sure it captures attention and encourages your desired action to make your AI-created content more impactful.

How To Achieve?

For engagement, use compelling headlines and visuals. For instance, let’s say you are launching a new high-end jewelry collection.

To create a stunning background for your digital save-the-date, use this prompt for image generation on GPT-4:

“Generate a luxury diamond necklace displayed with a colorful but classy background.”


Then, accompany it with a headline using this prompt:



For conversion, leverage AI to implement clear CTAs and persuasive language. Here’s an example prompt for product descriptions:

“Write a product description for a diamond necklace highlighting its craftsmanship and elegance. End it with a clear and unique CTA.”

Here’s the result:

Focus on these elements to generate content that is visually attractive and action-oriented.

Step 5: Analyze Performance & Adjust:

Identify what works and what doesn’t, then make necessary adjustments. With a continuous improvement cycle, you can maintain a high standard of AI-generated content that resonates with your audience.

How To Achieve?

Review engagement rates, conversion rates, and traffic sources using Google Analytics. Navigate to the “Reports” section to access this data. Compare these metrics with your goals to see if you are meeting your targets. If not, identify which aspects need improvement.

Let’s say you have an outdoor gear store and your goal is to grow engagement on hiking gear blog posts by 25% in 3 months but it only increased by 10%.

As you dive deeper to understand why, you notice that posts with gear reviews get plenty of traffic but low engagement. This suggests that while the particular topic itself attracts readers, it does not hold their interest or prompt them to act.

In contrast, posts about practical camping advice with personal stories get more engagement. Use this insight to tweak your approach. Train your AI to add personal anecdotes and practical advice to your gear reviews. This way, your content better matches with what your audience likes, bringing you closer to your goal.

Do the same for your other content like your social media posts. Sprout Social can compile your social media data. It even lets you do a competitor analysis to improve your content strategy, choose better topics, and refine prompts to create more effective AI content.

To help with this time-consuming step, find a marketing and data-savvy intern from specialized job boards to streamline your search. They can assist in setting up automated reports and custom dashboards to monitor key metrics. Plus, they can offer a fresh perspective on social media, as college students spend about 4.5 hours daily on these platforms.

3 Best Practices When Creating AI-Generated Content:

Reflect on how these best practices spark your audience’s curiosity and engagement to drive conversions.

A. Maximize Human-AI Collaboration:

Combine AI’s efficiency with human creators’ insights to produce high-quality content. This synergy leverages AI for speed while the grasp of human behavior and creative expression make sure the content emotionally connects with your audience.

To maximize this collaboration, use AI to generate initial drafts. Then, have your human writers refine and enhance the content. Let them tweak it to be more conversational and natural to stir up intended emotions or feelings from the audience.

A great example is the women’s wear niche, where emotional connection plays a big role in conversions. Selling these products needs a personal, sensitive touch. To do that, use AI for the initial product descriptions to cover the basic features, like fabric composition and durability.

Then, have your writers add evocative language and sensory details. Improve it further with body-positive messaging to tap into your customers’ self-esteem and confidence.

You should also incorporate AI into day-to-day workflows to handle repetitive tasks. This lets your quality content writers focus on higher-level creative work, maximizing their skills and talents.

B. Optimize Your AI Content For SEO:

Provide value with your AI-generated content to be more present on the first page of search results instead of being penalized.

How do you do this?

Use tools like SurferSEO to refine your AI content with keywords relevant to your topics. Here’s to get you started:

How to Use Content Editor: A Complete Guide?

It will also help your human writer guarantee your AI content is well-structured with clear headings and subheadings to help search engines understand your pages better.

Be sure to also include internal and external links in your AI draft to improve its credibility. To guarantee your SEO efforts are effective, make valuable content for readers rather than search engines.

Google can detect AI-generated content but can remain lenient if the content is genuinely helpful. However, failing to meet Google’s standards can result in lower rankings or removal from SERP.

C. Implement Bias-Free AI Practices:

Bias in AI refers to the unfair tendencies or prejudices embedded in AI systems from biased training data or algorithms. Address this so your audience doesn’t feel alienated and lose their trust. A small, offensive oversight can put your brand in a bad light.

To implement bias-free AI practices, train your AI on diverse data sets that reflect different perspectives and experiences. Source data from various demographic groups, cultures, and viewpoints. Include content representing multiple genders, ethnicities, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

You can also use inclusive language and continuously audit AI-generated content for biases. You should also have a human content writer to edit your AI drafts to make sure they align with your brand’s values and are bias-free.

For example, let’s say you are creating food blog content. You should input recipes, traditions, and food stories from various cultures around the world to train your AI software. This helps it produce diverse content while avoiding cultural stereotypes, like presenting certain dishes as exotic or unusual.

Then, have your content writer add cultural insights to highlight the richness of different culinary traditions. With this, your blog becomes reliable, inclusive, and engaging.


Creating AI-generated content that engages and converts is an ongoing process. With AI and your audience ever-evolving, you should focus on continuous improvement and adapt. Only then can you build a sustainable content strategy that leverages both AI and human creativity.

Experiment with different strategies and learn from your results. More importantly, think beyond just generating content—aim to inspire and connect with your readers.

To help you with this, leverage QRIUS. Stay updated with AI, business, technology, and more, and use that knowledge to feed your AI content and improve it. Bookmark the website now to stay ahead of the game.

Author Bio:

Burkhard Berger is the founder of Novum™. He’s documenting his journey from $0 to $10M ARR with organic marketing at and on his socials.

Author picture: Here




Qrius does not provide medical advice.

The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS Act) outlaws the recreational use of cannabis products in India. CBD oil, manufactured under a license issued by the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, can be legally used in India for medicinal purposes only with a prescription, subject to specific conditions. Kindly refer to the legalities here.

The information on this website is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


As per the Public Gambling Act of 1867, all Indian states, except Goa, Daman, and Sikkim, prohibit gambling. Land-based casinos are legalized in Goa and Daman under the Goa, Daman and Diu Public Gambling Act 1976. In Sikkim, land-based casinos, online gambling, and e-gaming (games of chance) are legalized under the Sikkim Online Gaming (Regulation) Rules 2009. Only some Indian states have legalized online/regular lotteries, subject to state laws. Refer to the legalities here. Horse racing and betting on horse racing, including online betting, is permitted only in licensed premises in select states. Refer to the 1996 Supreme Court judgment for more information.

This article does not endorse or express the views of Qrius and/or its staff.