How have technological advances changed the construction industry?

Technology has changed almost every aspect of our lives. Watching from the early 1900s, you’d be amazed at how much smoother our daily lives are: from travel to health, technological advances have been astonishing – and the construction industry is no different. Here are some of the key ways in which the industry has been altered by new technologies.

3D printing

New large-scale 3d printers can quickly and efficiently assemble building materials such as plastics, composites and concrete blocks. Previously, traditional methods of compiling these materials came at a great cost, with plenty of handiwork required. Even the most intricate designs are expedited by 3d printing. Nevertheless, this is cutting edge technology and its impact on the industry as a whole is yet to be seen.


Drones can hover above the worksite with a fitted camera to provide a new perspective on construction. Chiefly, they can be used in this regard to monitor progress on the job, but they can also keep the site safe from theft, and survey and map the area.


Robots are capable of replacing workers on mundane, simple tasks too. Robots are good at doing uncomplicated, repetitive work – often more quickly, and for a longer period as they don’t sleep. Humans are still needed to supervise this work, and often need to step in for complicated parts of the process. As such, robots aren’t replacing humans but instead aiding their work.


Virtual reality is also at the cutting edge of technological changes in the construction industry. It allows you to design plans for construction with incredible accuracy. This is achieved by displaying a generated design model through holographic instruction rather than 2D drawings. 

New tools and gadgets

There are a bunch of other tools and gadgets that are reshaping the industry too. Modern inspection cameras have the ability to provide a crisp picture from hard to reach places that normal cameras – or indeed, eyes – can’t reach! Meanwhile, laser-based equipment can make sure that you get more precise measurements than ever before. 

Health trackers

There’s new technology that goes beyond just making construction more efficient. Construction workers can benefit too: health trackers are also proving useful in cutting back on workplace injuries by alerting the worker that their movements may result in a fall or other bodily damage.

Technological changes are reshaping the construction industry rapidly. Although it can feel dizzying keeping up with these changes, they also represent an opportunity for a more efficient, safer worksite. By investing in some of the new techniques above you’ll be able to capitalise on the technology and boost your construction site.