How Can You Take Care of Your Privacy on Facebook?

Are you worried about your privacy on Facebook? Well, you are not alone. Most Facebook users are at some point concerned about their privacy on this platform. Perhaps you feel like Facebook is collecting too much information about you and making it available to others freely.  

Or perhaps you are scared of the growth of hackers who seem to be tormenting the pages of your friends, friends of friends, or even pages or groups you are following. It is true that engaging in online platforms can pose you at risk even if you are playing an online games bez depozytu . Therefore, you must always ensure you take secure steps to keep your privacy away from threats. 

Tips on How You Can Take Care of Your Privacy on Facebook

Here are some basic steps that are certain to take you a long way in taking care of your privacy on not only Facebook but other social media platforms as well. 

Delete your Personal Information

When joining Facebook, it is likely that you input a great deal of personal information on your profile. This includes the place you live, your workplace, where you went to school, your birthday, your phone number, and so much more. It is okay to have such details on your profile. However, it is not okay if it is viewed by almost anyone on Facebook. These are just some of the things that hackers can use against you. To be on the safer side, head to your profile and tap on ‘About’. Scroll on every option and delete the information you do not want to share with anyone. 

Accept Friend Requests from Only People you Know

The thrill of getting on social media platforms is to have a larger social network and make new friends, right? Well, this is not the case. Accepting friend requests from everyone you do not know can actually get you into trouble, especially if a hacker accesses your timeline and your information. So, instead, have a smaller circle of friends of people you know. You can also limit those who can send you friend requests. 

Control your Privacy

Facebook has a privacy setting that allows you to control your information. It is a quick process that can last within a few minutes. You can control who sees your profile, posts, phone number, and other details. Simply head to the ‘Settings’ section and then tap on ‘Privacy Checkup’. Change whether you want your posts, profile, or other info to be seen by the public, friends, friends of friends, you only, etc. 

Have a Personal and Hard-to-Guess Password

Do not use an easy password like your name or birth date, which can easily be guessed by scammers. Instead, have a difficult password that will be hard to guess and make it only exceptional for Facebook. This means that you should not share your password with any other social media platform. 

Your privacy, especially on these social media platforms, should be your priority. If scammers get access to any of them, then they can embarrass you and even blackmail you. So make sure you follow these tips to keep your privacy far from a threat.