Going Paperless: Dubai Becomes World’s First Truly ‘Digital’ Government

The Dubai Paperless Strategy was first established in 2018. Now the emirate has achieved its goal by fully implementing it across Dubai.

From now onwards, no government employee in Dubai will require to print any documents unless they wish to do so. Consumers can also avail of ‘digital-only’ transactions while out shopping.

If needed, printing can be done at a variety of authorised service and typing centers.

The Dubai Paperless Strategy was conducted in a total of five phases. Each involved distinct government organizations, totaling to about 45 in number.

These included the The Roads and Transport Authority, Dubai Police, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA),the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing among others.

With the seamless collaboration of all the government entities, the Dubai government was able to execute the automation of all customer-facing operations and services.

The government’s DubaiNow app now provides access to more than 130 smart city services in the bid to make cities ‘100 percent digital.’

The successful implementation of the paperless strategy will result in a significant environmental impact, as Dubai will see a 336 million paper reduction.

In economic and labor terms, this has also saved the Dubai government more than Dhs 1.3 billion and 14 million man-hours.
