Did You Know About These Interesting Driving Facts?

Driving is one of the most essential parts of life, allowing people to go where they need and shaping roads, transportation, logistics, and more. However, driving can be dangerous to your health if you’re the victim of an accident. If you’re someone who loves to drive or commutes regularly, below are some interesting facts to keep in mind that can keep you safe and aware of the dangers on the road.

Legal Blood Alcohol Limit

Some drivers might think a simple beer or wine at dinner won’t be enough to lead to drunk driving. On the contrary, the legal blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, is only 0.08% in California and other states, according to Wegman & Levin.

While that sounds minimal, it’s important to note that not everyone will reach this BAC the same way. For instance, if you have a low tolerance to alcohol, your BAC could reach that level quicker than someone who has been drinking for a long time, or whose body is naturally more tolerant of alcohol.

Alcohol itself can negatively impact your health, leading to intoxication, alcohol poisoning, and blackouts among other things. As a driver, be aware of your limit and ensure you have a designated driver after a night out of drinking. You can also utilize ride-sharing services to keep you and others on the road safe.

Rate of Driving Errors

Sadly, around 25% of trucking accidents are due to driver error, according to Thomason & Pracht LLP. Many drivers mistakenly think that accidents are due to mechanical failure or other issues. While some accidents might be due to mechanical failures and defective cars, many others are due to driver errors like texting while driving, distracted driving, or even intoxication.

If you feel you’re not ready to drive, it’s important to have a back-up plan or another driver to take over. In addition, if you’re suffering from a health condition that makes it dangerous to drive, such as a seizure disorder, ask your doctors ahead of time if it’s safe for you to drive. There are many health issues that can make driving dangerous, so be sure to consult your doctor.

Cellphone Use and Driving

With the rise of cell phones, many people assume they can use their phones while driving. Unfortunately, this is one of the leading causes of distracted driving accidents.

In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that since 2007, 16 to 24 years olds have continued to be distracted by devices at higher rates, showing how important it is to stay focused while driving.

If you must use your phone, consider using hands-free devices or pulling over to the side of the road. It’s also important to avoid other distractions in the car, such as eating, talking to passengers, or adjusting the radio. Bluetooth devices are also an excellent way to have access to loved ones in case of an emergency without getting distracted.

Lost Time Looking For Parking

No one wants to waste time looking for parking, with drivers in the U.S. spending an average of 17 hours per year looking for parking spots, according to Icon Parking! This lost time adds up to an estimated $345 per driver in wasted time, fuel, and emissions.

There are many ways to avoid this wasted time. You can try to park in off-street parking, which can save you both time and money. There are also many apps that can help you find parking in real-time.

In addition, some cities have implemented dynamic pricing for parking, which charges more for parking during peak hours and less during off-peak hours. This can help to encourage drivers to park during less busy times, freeing up spaces for others.

Drunk driving, driver error, and distracted driving are all leading causes of accidents on the road. Be sure to stay aware of your surroundings and focused while driving. By following these tips, you can help to keep yourself and others safe.

driving factsTypes of driving