Can CBD be a Natural Method to Help With Anxiety?

CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is a compound found in Cannabis Sativa

AKA hemp and marijuana plants. CBD is one of over 100+ cannabinoids that are responsible for the therapeutic properties found in cannabis. 

It is the most abundant cannabinoid that is non-psychoactive and discovered in cannabis that has no harmful side effects. 

It is also interesting to note that CBD is legal in all 50 states in the United States and is used by many for its health benefits. This shows that people have approved its use for health-related issues.

There are many different methods to take it, from ingesting CBD gummies to vaporizing and inhaling the oil.

Main Health Benefits

As the public becomes more aware of Cannabidiol (CBD), they are also learning more about its health benefits. 

CBD oil can adequately treat many health ailments, including:

  • Chronic pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Reduce insomnia
  • Reduce inflammation

Research shows that CBD oil can also boost the cardiovascular system’s health and protect against neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 

This extract can bring many more studied benefits, but we will discuss its effect on anxiety in this post.

What is Anxiety?

This is a question that people from all around the world ask themselves daily. The answer is not simple, and there is no one correct answer. Anxiety is a typical response to change and uncertainty, and it is a product of our culture and experiences. 

The best thing you can do is be aware of your anxiety and understand why you feel the way you think. 

Anxiety is a natural response to uncertainty. This is a product of our culture and experiences.

It is a common symptom of everyday life, but it can also be a serious—and treatable—illness. 

When it becomes problematic, anxiety is more than just feeling stressed out; it’s a feeling of fear, apprehension, or worry that interferes with daily life and activities. 

Anxiety is often followed by physical manifestations, such as a racing heart, trouble sleeping, muscle tension, headaches, or dizziness.

What Exactly is CBD?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a compound found in the hemp plant. It’s known to have therapeutic benefits and has been used for thousands of years to treat pain, stress, and a variety of other ailments. 

Unlike THC, the other compound found in the hemp plant, CBD is not an intoxicant. The CBD compound found in hemp has negligible THC amounts and has many positive effects on the human body.

How does CBD Help?

Studies have shown that while CBD does not necessarily alter a person’s anxiety level, it can help reduce anxiety. 

First, we should look at what clinical researchers have found about the effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) on anxiety and its impact on the brain. 

Research has highlighted the potential of CBD to alleviate anxiety symptoms in a variety of anxiety conditions – related disorders, including generalized anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

Brain imaging has shown that CBD leads to an activity pattern consistent with lowering anxiety. 

In depression, CBD can ease anxiety by reducing serotonin production, a neurotransmitter responsible for depressive symptoms. 

It can also alleviate other mental illnesses, typically characterized by high anxiety levels, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

For example, the current study Current Opinion in Psychology found that people with PTSD had positive effects on reducing insomnia and modulated anxiety when taking it. CBD can combat stress by altering cerebral blood flow and lowering blood pressure in the brain’s central nervous system.

Although animal and human studies have linked CBD to anxiety relief, it is somewhat unclear exactly how CBD produces these positive effects. 

Most of us do not know a specialized endocannabinoid system in our body that brings the body back to a place of equilibrium and homeostasis. What makes CBD an excellent candidate for treating anxiety disorders is that it is full of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties. 

Improved Sleep, Improved Mental State

It is already well established that being well-rested has beneficial outcomes on a whole host of physiological, mental conditions.

Therefore it is no surprise that improved sleep leads to a secondary benefit of reducing anxiety and stress.

Recent studies have shown that 300 milligrams of CBD doses do not interfere with the sleep cycle in healthy participants and that CBD is associated with sedation at higher doses. 

On this basis, and by demonstrating that, unlike some drugs used to treat anxiety and depression, it does not appear to have dangerous side effects.

Some researchers suggest that CBD may be a potential benefit for people with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea. 

Research suggests that CBD and sleep’s relationship may depend on the dose you administer and your body’s response to it. 

How Much CBD Should You Take?

The short answer is “it depends.” 

Of course, you need to consider how you will be taking the CBD supplements and how your body reacts to different doses. Everyone’s body is slightly different, so you may not find that one dose makes them feel better. 

In many cases, people feel better when they take lower doses, which holds true whether they are taking CBD oil, CBD capsules, or other forms. 

It is essential to know how much you should take and be patient with your body and the different dosages.

For most people, the dosage of CBD they should be taking will depend on their circumstances. 

People who are taking other prescription medications, for example, will need to talk to their doctor first to determine how much CBD they should be taking. Remember, not all supplements are safe, and this one is no exception. 


CBD has been well documented enough over the years to prove its inherent value to human health. By helping with several ailments, CBD has become the go-to, all-natural way to help with physiological and mental conditions.

Nonetheless, it would be best if you always spoke with your doctor before taking any new medicine forms, primarily when related to mental health.