6 Online Business Degree Programs for Entrepreneurs

Starting your career as an entrepreneur means deciding which degree program you should choose. While a business degree isn’t required for entrepreneurs, it starts you off on the right foot and can increase your chances of success. That being said, there is more than just one type of business degree that can benefit you as an entrepreneur.

When it comes to choosing your online degree program, it’s important that you already know what needs you have and how you want to fine-tune your skills. If you aren’t sure, a general business degree may be the best. However, if you want to increase your knowledge in specific fields in the business world, here are some online degree programs that will help.

#1. Entrepreneurship

As a fairly obvious second choice, a degree in entrepreneurship could be the perfect way for you to get started. Most online degree programs will cover the basics of business, economics, marketing, and finance. 

Entrepreneurship degree programs bring your attention to the many reasons why start-up businesses often fail. By the time you complete the online program, you’ll have a plan for how to avoid these common problems and know how to prepare your start-up for what’s to come.

While many universities offer online entrepreneurship degrees, the University of Maine’s Business and Entrepreneurial BS degree is one of the best programs in the States. The degree can be completed fully online or in person, should you choose to study on-campus part way through your program.

#2. Business Administration

One of the most well-known business degrees is an MBA. With a master’s in business administration, you’re well prepared to take on the complications of running your own business, but still have a strong resume should you decide not to create a start-up. 

Business administration is an important skill for any start-up, whether your only pursue it as a bachelor’s degree or go all the way and complete your MBA. Understanding how to run your business from the administrative side gives you deeper insights into how your start-up is faring and how you can continue to improve.

Whether you’re looking to earn a bachelor’s degree or your MBA, Herzing University offers both. Their fully online bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurial studies allows you to earn dual credit for their MBA program, also offered online. 

#3. Finance

Accounting and finance tracking can be done through apps and software programs, but it’s not the same as being well versed in the discipline. With a finance degree, you learn how to track cash flow, create financial reports, and analyze business income, debts, and overall financial performance. Finance degrees will also give you insightful knowledge on lending and investing.

As financial complications are one of the leading problems for start-up failure. Focusing on a finance degree will bring your attention to potential financial problems your start-up could encounter and how to avoid them. 

#4. Marketing

Every business needs a marketing campaign, especially start-ups. Earning your degree in marketing will make you more prepared for spreading the news about your start-up and attracting new customers every day. 

Marketing degrees aren’t only about how to create a campaign. In a marketing program, you’ll learn how to identify and research any target audience, how to specially tailor a campaign, and how to use different social media platforms in order to reach certain audiences. Marketing programs prepare you to create your own promotions and show you how to increase your market share.

As an entrepreneur, marketing programs will further help you create your brand image. You’ll learn the ins and outs for making your start-up stand out against your competition, but also how to analyze and use campaign feedback for future promotions.

#5. Computer Science

Even if you aren’t hoping to create a business in IT or computer science, having a degree in it can save you time in the future. With a computer science degree, you’ll learn how to automate many basic functions as well as how to navigate apps and software. When you’ve graduated and start to focus on bringing your business idea to life, this can save you a lot of time.

Computer science programs often touch on common business ideas and principles as well, so you’ll still be able to learn the basics of how to run a business. 

One of the biggest benefits of a computer science degree is the insight you earn into cybersecurity. In today’s world, the internet plays a vital role in the success of a business, but if your start-up’s website isn’t secure, you’re likely to face challenges. With a computer science degree in hand, you’ll be able to equip and protect your start-up’s data from the very start.

#6. Psychology

When it comes to running a business, it’s important to understand how your customers’ minds work. Psychology degrees prepare you to do just that. While studying psychology, you’ll learn about human behavior and development, how to interact and communicate with different types of people, and how to use the human psyche.

Psychology degrees give you a deeper understanding of the human brain and while this may not seem immediately relevant to starting a business, it can be a key ingredient to your start-up’s success. Understanding psychology helps you understand how to encourage teamwork, recognize potentially dangerous behavior, and win over new clients.

If you’re considering a start-up where interacting regularly with customers is important, earning your degree in psychology is worth the consideration. You’ll have the skills necessary to quickly analyze and react to any personality type, improving your chances of winning customer loyalty and encouraging teamwork. 

There’s No “One Size Fits All”

The good news is that there is no “perfect” business degree for an entrepreneur. Your business goals will be different from those of your classmates and everyone will be looking for a different end result. When it comes to deciding what degree program to choose, it comes down to what you want to focus on and where your interests lie.

Business is a flexible field and even if your career as an entrepreneur doesn’t grant you fame and fortune, the skills you earn from your degree will be skills that you can take with you into nearly any industry. 

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