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What is a technology guest post for SEO?

A technology guest post for SEO or guest blogging is an article written by someone other than the owner of a website or blog and published on that website or blog. Technology blogging is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with a new audience, build backlinks to your website, and increase your brand awareness in the sector. Guest posting provides a meaningful way for technology bloggers and professionals to share insights, tips, research, trends or expertise with readers of the publication. Publishing technology guest posts on popular and apt technologyblogs and sites helps you

  1. Reach a wider audience
  2. Build your reputation as an authority
  3. Make meaningful connections online
So, as a technology blogger how can you do guest posting also known as technology blogging effectively?
  • Identify reputable technology or knowledge-sharing sites that match your expertise. Look for sites with good traffic and engaged readers.
  • Read several posts on the site to understand the tone, topics, and article length.
  • Pitch relevant ideas, tips, technology guidelines that provide value to your target readers. You can create content revolving around the topics
    • Emerging technology trends
    • Product reviews
    • Industry analysis
    • Events/ conference coverage
    • Work/ learning opportunities
    • Tech in different industries - How automation, AI, IoT, etc. are transforming sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, finance, etc.
    • -You can include a short bio with your expertise and a link to your website or profile, making it easy for the interested audience to pursue you.
    • -After posting the technology guest post blog on the website, you can promote it on your social media handles and email lists.
    The key goals are to share your knowledge, establish expertise, gain exposure, and connect with other technology professionals.

Why is guest posting important in the technology industry?

  • As a technology blogger you can reach a new, targeted audience and grow your platform’s/ profile’s readership.
  • It helps build authority and expertise. Writing technology guest posts for the most relevant and trending subjects establishes you as a thought leader in the field. technology guest post blogs help your audience identify you as a creditable brand over a span.
  • Technology guest posts for SEO provides an opportunity to get high-quality backlinks to your website.
  • It allows you to network and connect with other technology bloggers, technology influencers, publications, and brands in your niche. These relationships can lead to future opportunities for your website/ organisation’s/ profile’s growth.
  • It enables you to diversify your content distribution. Rather than only creating content for your site, guest post blogs get your content and name in front of new audiences.

What are the benefits of technology guest posting on Qrius?

Guest posting on Qrius offers several specific benefits, including:

  • Reach a large and engaged audience: Qrius, owned by Perfect Creative Media Private Limited, is a leading digital platform for high-quality articles and opinion pieces. With 50k+ monthly visitors across the globe, we collaborate with columnists and interns from 20+ countries, partner with events and organisations, and have our prowess at expanding our content, reach, and reader engagement.
  • Build your professional network and reputation as a thought leader: Qrius is a respected website in the tech community. Technology influencers, technology professionals and subject matter expert actively contribute and consume Qrius' fresh insights in the technology industry. By creating guest post blogs on Qrius, you are building your reputation as a thought leader in the field of technology .
  • Get backlinks to your website: Qrius is a high-quality website with strong domain authority. When you guest post for SEO on Qrius, you are getting a backlink to your website, which can help to improve your search engine rankings.

What is the successful strategy to creating technology guest posts or technology blogging?

  1. As a technology blogger, clearly define the objectives you want to accomplish through technology blogging that are realistic and attainable.
  2. Select subject matter for the technology guest posts that aligns with and supports your business objectives.
  3. Identify established, credible websites that accept contributed content from external writers.
  4. Contact site owners or technology influencers about submitting an technology guest post to their publication.
  5. Craft your technology guest post article according to the specifications and guidelines of the site.
  6. For a technology blogger it is very important to monitor the performance of your technology guest posts over time to evaluate their impact and make adjustments as needed.

How do I pitch for Qrius?

To pitch for Qrius, you should send an email to [email] with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your website
  • A brief bio
  • The subject matter or the topic of your proposed digital marketing guest post
  • An overview of your proposed topic for the digital marketing guest post
In your email, be sure to explain why you are interested in guest posting on Qrius and why your proposed technology guest post would be of interest to Qrius's audience.

Submission Guidlines

Word count

Submit technology guest post articles in English between 400-1200 words.


Articles must be grammatically correct and factually accurate.


Include a 1024x768 copyright-free featured image with proof of purchase.


All technology guest posts will be vetted for quality before publishing.


Qrius may use disclaimers about regional laws and regulations.

In summary, contribute high-quality English technology guest post articles with images that align with Qrius’ categories. Content will be reviewed to ensure it meets standards. Please provide copyright-free images. Understand that Qrius may include regulatory statements. Focus on providing engaging, factually correct content that provides value for readers.

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