Writing the first or several paragraphs of the essay correctly is very important. It will help you not only to interest the reader but also to set the tone for the rest of the text. Strictly speaking, there is no single right way to start an essay. Nevertheless, there are standard features in the best introductions. If you consider them, you can work out the introduction more qualitatively.
There are situations when such a simple task, at first glance, becomes unrealistic to perform. This may be due to a lack of time, interest in the topic, or inspiration. Sometimes, the pressure before the deadline becomes so great that it just freezes you, and you can’t do anything. In such cases, you can try to pay someone to write an essay or find some service that might help you.
Create a good plan before you start writing. Here are some tips we’ve gathered from professionals at top essay writing services that may help you.
- Start with a sentence that will interest the reader. The topic of the essay interests you because you are the author of this work, but the reader will not necessarily feel the same way. If the first paragraph does not impress them, they will not read further, so it is essential to start the essay with a sentence that will immediately capture the reader’s attention. If this sentence is logically connected with the rest of the text, there is nothing wrong with using it as bait. Try to start with an exciting and little-known fact or statistic.
For example, suppose you are writing an essay about the growing problem of obesity among children around the world. In that case, you can start like this: “Contrary to the popular belief that childhood obesity is only a problem of rich and spoiled Westerners, a WHO report found that more than 30% of preschoolers in developing countries are overweight or obese.” You can also start with a stunning description or picture if it is appropriate for your essay.
Lead the readers to the essay’s point. A good first sentence can capture the reader’s attention, but if you do not continue to develop the thought, they will quit reading in the middle. The first sentence should be followed by one or two more phrases that logically connect the first sentence and the main text.
- Tell the reader what your essay is about. Most often, essays are not just descriptions. They cannot exist only to tell you something in simple words. As a rule, the author of an essay pursues a specific goal. The essay may make the reader change their mind about some issue. The writer may also seek to convince the reader to do something for a particular reason or want to shed light on something that is commonly misunderstood. He may also want to tell a story that would make the reader think. Whatever the writer’s intention, in the introduction, he should explain to the reader the purpose of this essay. Thanks to this, the reader will be able to understand whether he should read the whole text or not.
- Optionally, outline the structure of the essay. Sometimes at the introduction stage, it is essential to think about how you plan to achieve your goal. It can be helpful to divide the article into separate clear parts because it will be easier for the reader to absorb the text. This skill will also come in handy if you are a student or pupil because many teachers require it. However, you should not list all the points of the work in the essay. Sometimes it happens, primarily if the article is written in simple language about something frivolous, that listing the parts makes the test look like a machine. This can scare off the reader because there will be too much information in front of them at once.
- Formulate the main point of the essay, if necessary. The thesis statement is a single sentence that describes the critical information in the article as accurately and thoroughly as possible. The thesis statement in the introduction is mandatory when writing some essays as an academic paper or part of a standard exam. Even if you do not have such requirements, it will be helpful to formulate the central thesis of the work. Usually, the thesis statement is placed towards the end of the first paragraph, although there are no strict rules.
- Set the appropriate tone for your essay. The introduction should explain what you will talk about and how you will talk about it. Suppose the language in the introduction is simple, pleasant, and appropriate for the topic. In that case, your readers will be much more willing to read the whole thing than if the text is confusing, jumps from topic to topic, and the story’s tone is uneven.
- Shorten! One of the most important rules regarding introductions is that the shorter the introduction, the better. If you can replace a complicated and incomprehensible word with a simple and common one, do so (for example, it is better to change “initiate” to “start”). If you can convey the meaning of a phrase in 10 words rather than 12, do so. Remember that the introduction leads the reader to the essence of your essay and is not the essay itself, so do not stretch the opening.
- Formulate a thesis statement, if necessary. The thesis statement is a single sentence that describes the critical message in the essay as accurately and thoroughly as possible. The thesis statement in the introduction is mandatory when writing some essays as an academic paper or part of a standard exam. Even if you do not have such requirements, it will be helpful to formulate the central thesis of the work. Usually, the thesis statement is placed towards the end of the first paragraph, although there are no strict rules.
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