Apple CEO Tim Cook is in Mumbai for the launch of India’s first Apple Store. On Mr Cook’s Monday agenda was getting a taste of the city’s favourite snack, the humble ‘vada pav‘ and he did so with none other than Madhuri Dixit.
Dixit tweeted a photo of herself and Cook digging into the snack and tweeted ‘Can’t think of a better welcome to Mumbai than Vada Pav,’ Madhuri Dixit tweeted. “Thanks for introducing me to my first Vada Pav – it was delicious,’ replied Tim Cook.
Cook was also surprised at the store opening when a man wearing a black turtleneck and yellow cap entered the store and brought with him a more-than-30-year-old Macintosh computer, leaving Cook wide-eyed.
A few hours ago, taking to Twitter, Cook dropped a picture from the opening and captioned it, ‘The energy, creativity, and passion in Mumbai is incredible! We are so excited to open Apple BKC — our first store in India.’
Apple’s second outlet in India will be inaugurated on Thursday at Delhi’s Saket Mall.
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