Tradition is tradition for a reason. It can serve an important function, it can connect us to our roots, and it can serve to create a guiding attitude in many different areas of our lives. In business, however, tradition for tradition’s sake can be a killer. Nowhere is this more pronounced than with avoidance of modern technologically-based business solutions. Too often, business owners let themselves get intimidated by the internet’s vast frontier, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Instead, leveraging a few progressive digital ideas can give even the oldest businesses a new way to shine, and accomplishing these feats is easier than you might think.
Getting in on Social Media
In terms of free advertising, nothing beats what the internet can do. While there are many avenues that businesses can take here, many of the most important find their homes in social media. This world can be confusing for the uninitiated, but getting involved and getting ahead within this realm can be simple if you follow a few basic ideas.

“Growing Social Media“ (CC BY 2.0) by mkhmarketing?
The first of these ideas is that each business needs to at least offer a Facebook page. According to Oberlo, Facebook is home to 2.8 billion monthly active users, representing over a third of the total human population. These numbers aren’t just tied to youth either, as users of all ages from all walks of life turn to the communication tools that Facebook offers. As a starting point, a page on Facebook can not only link to your business and website directly, it can also act as a launching pad to other social media services.
Branching out from Facebook means taking stock of a business’ most visible aspects. If your business revolves around a visible service, then YouTube and Instagram can be a great way to introduce outsiders into your work, as Business explains. For those who rely more on quick sales and constant communication, Twitter can be well worth a look. Effort on this front is never wasted, even if it only guides customers to your business proper.
Finding Specific Tools
The other side of the free visibility equation comes from looking for developed search tools that can link directly to your business. For an example of this, consider the mortgage advice website Trussle. As a service, this website has been developed to aggregate many different mortgages into one place. From this point, the service guides users to the most relevant packages, taking into account location, cost, and user safety. Websites like this exist for many different industries, and they’ll often include a business happily and for free if it meets their criteria.
Expanding on this idea are simple online review websites. Operating similarly, getting your business involved in these systems can be a great way to reach new audiences, especially if you offer something that others don’t.

“seo search engine optimization“ (CC BY-SA 2.0) by lmcosorioalt?
Just like any new move in business, the first steps are always going to be the most difficult. Stick to these avenues over time, however, and their user-friendly design will soon become second nature. Whether you’re looking to boost existing visibility or are just starting something new, keep these tips in mind and stay diligent, and you’ll be much better equipped to face the years ahead.
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