Suresh Raina tweeted Tuesday about an incident in which two of his family members were killed, which led to him quitting the IPL and returning from the UAE earlier last week.
Revealing details of the crime, reported to be a robbery, that claimed the lives of his uncle and cousin, and left his aunt and another cousin with serious injuries, Raina tweeted What happened to my family in Punjab was beyond horrible.”
Raina’s family had reportedly been attacked by armed robbers on 19 August. The notorious ‘Kale Kachhewala‘ gang is suspected to be behind the attacks that took place while the family were asleep on the terrace of their residence in Pathankot district.
The cricketer’s uncle was identified as Ashok Kumar, a government contractor. Mr. Kumar sustained grievous head injuries during the assault and was unfortunately not able to survive them.
Raina further tweeted that his aunt is critical and on life support. A special investigation is to be conducted into the matter by the authorities.