Is zi A Scrabble Word? – Quick Answer:
Yes, “zi” is a valid Scrabble word.
ZI Meaning:
“Zi” is a noun referring to the second child born to a couple, especially in Chinese culture. It’s commonly used in the context of the Chinese kinship system.
How ZI Pronunciation:
“Zi” is pronounced as /zē/.
Example in a sentence:
In traditional Chinese families, the birth of a “zi” often brings joy and anticipation for the continuation of the family line.
Words that can be made with the letters in “zi”:
- zi
- iz
ZI Anagrams:
There are no direct anagrams for “zi”, but rearranging the letters gives “iz”, which is also a valid Scrabble word.
ZI Synonyms:
- Second child
- Junior
- Offspring
ZI Antonyms:
- Eldest
- Senior
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