Quick Answer: Yes, “ir” is a valid Scrabble word.
Meaning: “Ir” is a unit of measurement equal to one billionth of a meter. It is commonly used in scientific contexts, particularly in chemistry and physics.
Pronunciation: The pronunciation of “ir” is “eye-ar.”
Example in a sentence: The scientist used a microscope to examine particles on the scale of ir.
Words that can be made with the letters in “ir”: air, irk, rim
Anagrams: “ir” does not have any anagrams due to its brevity.
Synonyms: Some synonyms for “ir” in the context of measurement include nanometer, nm, and billionth of a meter.
Antonyms: Antonyms depend on the context, but antonyms for “ir” as a unit of measurement might include larger units like meter, kilometer, or mile.
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