Indian Coast Guard (ICG), based on an intelligence input by ATS Gujarat, has apprehended an Iranian Boat with 05 crew in Indian waters carrying 61 kgs of Heroin worth Rs. 425 crores.
On Monday, ensuing specific intelligence input by ATS, ICG strategically deployed its two Fast Patrol class of ships, ICGS Meera Behn and ICGS Abheek, for patrolling in the Arabian Sea. During dark hours, a boat was observed moving suspiciously in Indian waters approx.—340 Kms (190 miles) off Okha coast. On being challenged by ICG Ships, the boat started evasive maneuvering.
The boat was then chased and forced to stop by ICG ships. The boat was found to be an Iranian boat with five crew of Iranian nationality. During the investigation by ICG boarding team, the crew was found to be behaving suspiciously.
After extensive rummaging, approx. 61 Kg of narcotics worth Rs 425 crores was found in the boat. The boat and crew have been apprehended and brought to Okha for further investigation.
In the last 18 months, ICG, in coordination with ATS, has apprehended eight foreign vessels and seized 407 Kgs narcotics worth Rs. 2355.00 Crores, as reported.
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