How To Organise A Birthday Party On A Budget

After many of us have been forced to celebrate the last couple of birthdays in lockdown, separated from loved ones, there is no better time to throw a party to get everyone back together again.

Recent scientific studies suggest that people’s morale is greatly affected during their birthday season – which is why a celebration surrounded by loved ones can be the perfect tonic to beat the Birthday Blues!

Yet from cakes, to cards, to venues and presents, birthdays can quickly add up, and many of us can be put off the idea of throwing a party by believing it’ll be too expensive. But it doesn’t have to be!

We’ve put together some top tips on how to throw an amazing, memorable birthday party, without breaking the bank.

Make Your Own Invitations

If you’re throwing a party that required invites, these can be costly if you choose to do them through an online printing company. Why not get creative and make your own? This can be an especially fun task if it’s for your child’s birthday party, as you can get them involved in the arts and craft side and even make a fun day of physically posting them at all of their school friend’s houses in your local area. If it’s for an adult birthday soiree and you want them to look elegant and professional, there are free online tools, such as Canva, that have ready-made templates which you can choose from. 

Party At Home

Remember, it’s not the place that makes a great party, it’s the people! If you’re working to a budget, forget fancy venues and host it at home instead. All the birthday boy or girl ultimately cares about is having a great night with all the people they love most all back in one room again! Plus… if you’re planning a surprise party, hosting it at home is much less suspect that driving to an obvious venue so the surprise element is much more likely to be a success if you host it at home!

Recycle Decorations

You don’t need to go all out on buying new decorations. The likely hood is you have some left over from a previous birthday, and if you don’t, someone else you are inviting to the party is bound to. Pick up the phone, make some calls and save yourself a chunk of money by re-using old decorations instead. Top tip: if there are any extras that you may wish to buy, check your local pound shop! These stores typically sell lots of super cheap party decorations.

A Card Says A Thousand Words

Sometimes you can’t afford an expensive present on top of everything else, simple, thoughtful birthday cards can have just as good an effect. Not only does it show that it’s the thought that counts, but cards are also great keepsakes to look back on in the future. Why not make it extra special by getting all of your friends/family to sign one big card with lots of individual messages?