By Neelabja Adkuloo
The full moon in September is usually known as the harvest moon, according to Native Americans. Among astronomers, the term refers to the full moon that occurs closest to the start of autumn, which is normally September 22. But this year, the harvest moon has fallen in October, an event that last happened in 2009, which makes it a rare occasion.
The story behind the name
Several crops ripen in autumn, which meant that farmers had to work after sundown. In the pre-electricity days, when tractors with headlights didn’t exist, farmers relied on the light from the moon every year at harvest time. It was important to get the harvest in before the rain could cause it to rot. Since moonlight was an essential part of farming, it quickly came to be known as the ‘Harvest Moon.’ A few tribes also called it the ‘Barley Moon.’
Astrological significance
Aside from being a beautiful sight to gaze at, the full moon happens to be in the sign of Aries. It is said to be a good time to do away with the old and set future goals. It’s considered extremely auspicious to start a brand new business or lay the foundation stone for a project. All crucial life decisions taken in this period find success. The transitional period from autumn to winter is symbolic of an opportunity to switch into a peaceful headspace. It is a chance to reevaluate relationships with family members and loved ones.
How you can see the moon
The moon will rise 30 minutes after sunset, throughout the month of October, adding to the amount of bright glow seen from the Earth. Generally, moonrise occurs 50 minutes after the sun sets. Even without a telescope, it will be possible to see many features on the moon’s surface. Any region with clear cloudless skies will give the best view. The spectacular celestial event is a source of immense joy for countless stargazers around the world.
Featured Image Source: Pixabay
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