A new weapon type, crafting and more are going to be part of popular game Destiny 2.
The official release date for the new expansion is Feb. 22, but exactly when can you log in for the new experience?
The Witch Queen will be available at Destiny 2’s usual reset time on Feb. 22: noon EST/9 a.m. PST.
However, expansions are usually very busy days for Destiny 2, and the launch timing isn’t always smooth.
Server issues and long login queue times are expected before players are able to reliably log in. There will likely be some stability issues while maintenance efforts are on.
Maintenance won’t conclude on the Destiny 2 servers until two hours after the servers go live, at 2 p.m. EST/11 a.m. PST.
Prior to The Witch Queen’s launch, Destiny 2 will be completely unavailable.
At 10 p.m. EST/7 p.m. PST on Feb. 21, any logged-in players will be booted from Destiny 2, and Bungie will bring the game offline until it launches The Witch Queen.
This means a downtime of 14 hours.
Players will need to get everything done before Monday night in preparation and will be able to preload the Witch Queen patch starting at midnight EST on Feb. 22/9 p.m. EST on Feb. 21.
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