The Kumon Method is an education system aiming to develop students’ academic independence and ability. The study materials incorporated by Kumon include various methods for introducing new content in a unique way that enables students to learn without being directly taught, even after advancing beyond school grade level. When a concept is introduced for the first time, whether be it in Kumon’s Maths or English learning classes, children are provided with examples and materials in the worksheets. The difficulty of the worksheets increases bit by bit so that students can learn on their own more comfortably. They can develop connections in their minds between the new concepts and the topics that they have already studied.
Through research, it has been found that 20-30% of students in tuition or school setting have a mental health problem of some type. Problems such as attention deficits, lack of motivation, cognitive disturbances and negative mood, all affect scholastic development adversely. Factors associated with the school that affects children’s mental development are often unclear and therefore, effective preventive measures are not much known.
Fortunately, the Kumon Method balances education and mental health in a proper way. The learning method implemented in Kumon does not employ any mental pressure on students and makes them individual learners. Below mentioned is how Kumon balances both education and mental health among children.
How do Kumon balance education and mental health?
In the Kumon Method, students are not subjected to passive learning. They can gradually progress at their own pace with no age or time limit. Through individualised instructions, Kumon pursues the full potential of each student for developing their academic abilities and independence.
Through the Maths and English learning classes of Kumon, kids are provided with individualised worksheets. There are no notes and no memorisation. Students repeat the Maths problems and language exercises so many times that it becomes ingrained in them. The worksheets are designed in a way that appeals to students who find class work or homework dull. In fact, most kids enjoy completing Kumon worksheets and cannot wait to finish them at home.
Kumon Maths Program
In Kumon, the Math taught does not include laborious steps such as ‘borrowing’ or ‘carrying over’ and is more of mental mathematics. Kids use logic and internalise it to solve problems. This method hardly clashes with the Math processes taught at school. In this way, students are able to do both methods well and mostly achieve the right answer quickly through the Kumon Method.
The Maths program is offered till the 12th grade. Kumon has prepared children who have excelled in arts and sports because the strong work ethic has been carried over to their other passions and goals.
Kumon English Program
The English program for kids majorly focuses on comprehension and reading, along with factoring in sound parts, phonetics and advancing to grammar, punctuation, writing and reading skills. Students are provided with CD books in order to learn specific pronunciations before they proceed with their work.
Some of the sections of worksheets in higher levels are varied, wonderful and of high calibre, derived from some reputed works of literature. Through this, critical thinking about words and their use is encouraged and students are motivated to use the language creatively and build their vocabulary.
Wrapping It Up
The biggest incentive for Kumon is the work ethic that it inculcates in children. From the way, homework needs to be submitted and class work has to be picked up, everything follows discipline and structure. These skills help a child remain focused and organised.
Kumon is able to balance the education and the mental health of students because of the learning structure. The worksheets of the Maths and English learning classes of Kumon are designed in a way that kids love to attempt and complete while achieving a sense of satisfaction. To know more about Kumon, please visit our website.
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