The sad, yet simple, truth is that most people are simply too lazy, too ignorant, or simply too apathetic to care. They complain about the actions of big corporations and denounce them publicly, yet don’t do what will hurt them most by stop giving them money.
Voting and representation are hallmarks of a modern free society. We can choose who rules over us by casting a ballot. If you don’t like someone who is running for office, you can vote against them just like how you can choose to play at a Vegas casino online if you don’t like an alternative.
This ability to choose our representation in government is what allows society to stay by the people, for the people, and of the people. Government workers aren’t also called “Civil Servants” just for fun.
In parallel to the governmental system of a given society, is the economic system. Both of these work in tandem to form the backbone of how the society will function. Every governmental and economic system has its pros and cons.
Some systems might be better than others, and some might just simply be awful in almost every way. Yet, although none of them are perfect, Capitalism seems to have become the dominant form of economic system.
Many people like to complain about capitalism as they say it leads to economic disparities between the rich and poor, societal greed and hyper fixation on economic growth, and simply an overall sense of “us VS. them” amongst people.
Yet, I don’t seem to hear many people speak about how capitalism, in many ways, is the economic parallel to the Democratic system of government. In a capitalist economic system, you (the people) have the freedom to choose who stays in business, and who doesn’t.
Vote Them Out of Office!
More than ever, people are becoming more and more aware of where the products they buy are coming from. Veganism and other forms of naturalism have pushed people to move away from heavily refined products to something closer to what we’d eat naturally.
This has shifted a large portion of the market to match the people’s desires. It is no longer uncommon for there to be big labels on products touting how it “Contains no Preservatives!” or “No Artificial Colors or Flavorings!”
This is because all companies must bend to the people they get their money from. Whether it is investors, or in the majority of cases, the people who buy their products. You have power over companies simply by being a wallet they want to be opened.
Just like how a politician needs to bend to the will and desires of the people he is campaigning to, companies need to meet the desires and wills of the people who are ultimately going to line their pockets by buying their products.
Yet, in many cases, this doesn’t seem to be how it ends up working. People will still buy from a company they denounce, even if they seem to vehemently hate that companies practices.
Or, they will just be two faced about it. They will generally complain about how companies do X practice (for instance using forced or slave labor) yet will then buy products that are almost certainly made with that practice.
Whether it be because that product is cheaper, or right in front of them, or they just like the product even if they disagree with the company. However, this is not how you change the world for the better. You can vote with your money!
There is a reason why people complain about single issue voters. Because they only take a narrow immature view of who they are voting for and don’t look at the broad consequences of what exactly they are doing.
So, why aren’t you voting with your money? If you do not like a certain practice, boycott the companies that follow that practice. The problem is, people often end up valuing their money over their values.
However, in modern society, that is rarely an excuse anymore. With so much available online, you can easily find products that are made responsibly from companies you trust at a reasonable price.
Sure, products that aren’t made through the violation of human rights, the abuse of and enslavement of our fellow humans, and by some of the most evil people in society are going to be a bit more expensive.
Yet, what do you value more? Your cash, or the life of another? It seems like so many people are willing to support horrendous cruelty, or at the very least turn a blind eye to it, simply because it is not happening in front of them.
Or worse, they are still willing to turn a blind eye when it is literally right in front of them. How many people have simply not done the right thing because it, “wasn’t their business?”
Vote with your money. Put your money where your mouth is. Vote out of office those companies who are abusing their wealth or are not up to the standard of morality required of a modern human being.
Society as A Whole
This is something I do not understand of people, and society, in general. Why do you turn a blind eye to the abominations of the world? Why do people ignore when their fellow humans are cast down, abused, and slaughtered?
Greed? Is it truly because of a gluttonous desire for money, where people simply can never be satisfied with what they have? Is it an insatiable lust for power? To have control over those less fortunate than you?
Why do people speak so much, yet do so little? Sure, you can go to protests, you can petition, you can vote. But, what are you doing? What are you personally doing that is for sure going to make a change right here, right now?
It seems to all go back to money, and who ultimately gives out the money? It is the people. If you have any issue that you want to be improved, it is almost certain that voting with your money will have more of an impact than anything else could.
Want to stop global warming? Only buy from companies that try to have green practices. Invest in energy companies that want to make more clean energy. Take the bus instead of buying a car.
Want to help give poor people a better life? Donate to charities you know will get food to them. Start a food drive, or maybe just invite someone over for dinner who cannot afford to make something for themselves. Give money, even if just a little, to those who ask.
Don’t want companies to use slave or forced labor? Don’t buy from companies that are known to use those practices. And even better, don’t buy from companies that get supplies from companies that use those practices.
Sadly, sometimes it is just too deep to be able to do anything about it. It seems more and more like all roads, no matter where you take them from, lead back to the same people and practices if you travel far enough.
Yet, it all starts with you. If there is a major shift in who you buy from, and how much you buy from them, then companies will certainly notice. It all starts with you, and you can decide if it will end with you as well.
You cannot make a change in the world by taking steps that are removed from it. The only way you can truly make a difference is by, as perhaps Gandhi said, being the change you want to see in the world.
- As per the Public Gambling Act of 1867, all Indian states, except Goa, Daman and Sikkim, prohibit gambling
- Land-based casinos are legalized, with certain guidelines, in Goa and Daman, as per the Goa, Daman and Diu Public Gambling Act 1976
- Land-based casinos, Online gambling and E-gaming (games of chance) are legalized in Sikkim under the Sikkim Online Gaming (Regulation) Rules 2009
- Only some Indian states have legalized online/regular lotteries as per and subject to the conditions laid down by state laws. Kindly refer to the same here
- Horse racing and betting on horse racing, including online betting, is permitted only in a licensed premise in select states. Kindly refer to the 1996 Judgement by the Supreme Court Of India here and for more information
- This article does not endorse or express the views of Qrius and/or any of its staff.
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