In Scrabble, seven-letter words can be particularly powerful because they allow you to use all seven tiles, earning you the coveted 50-point Bingo bonus. Words that start with the letter J are especially valuable due to the high point value of the J tile, worth 8 points. Below is a list of 50 seven-letter words that begin with J.
50 Seven-Letter Words That Start with J:
- Jacinth
- Jackals
- Jackass
- Jackdaw
- Jackers
- Jackets
- Jacking
- Jacuzzi
- Jadeite
- Jaggery
- Jaguars
- Jailers
- Jailing
- Jalousy
- Jambeau
- Jambing
- Jammers
- Jamming
- Jangled
- Jangler
- Jangles
- Janssen
- Janting
- Japings
- Jarring
- Jasmine
- Jasmins
- Javelin
- Jawbone
- Jawless
- Jaybird
- Jayvees
- Jealous
- Jeerers
- Jeering
- Jemmied
- Jemmies
- Jerries
- Jerseyed
- Jessamy
- Jetfoil
- Jetting
- Jewfish
- Jiggles
- Jiggled
- Jiggler
- Jiggers
- Jiggery
- Jiggish
- Jigging
Mastering seven-letter words that start with J in Scrabble can significantly boost your score, especially when you manage to use all seven tiles in a single move. These words not only utilize a high-value letter but also often provide opportunities to strategically place tiles for maximum points.
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