5 Ways of Promoting New Social Media Profiles

53,6% of the global population have personal accounts on social networks and spend several hours a day there in 2021. And if earlier the main purpose of social media was communication, today it is an effective marketing channel for promoting brands.

There are a few key reasons every business should be represented on social media.

  • It’s an excellent way to maintain communication with potential and current customers;
  • it forms a positive image of the company;
  • you can provide up-to-date information about your products and services in a convenient way.

It is also a large advertising platform that every user can develop themselves if they want. 

In this article, we have highlighted five ways that will help you establish promotion on social networks on your own.

Let’s get started.

Promote your social media through your other channels

Although almost everyone is using social media, many people are bombarded with thousands of posts on these platforms. It’s easy to miss something even if you don’t want to. So, it’s a wise idea to embrace other channels such as email signatures, newsletters, your website, and even the old good business cards. 

  • Email signatures and newsletters

Have you heard about email signature marketing? If you haven’t, then it’s time to learn about it and start promoting anything you want (including your social media) via email for free.

First of all, you need to make a signature for your emails and include your photo, contact details, call to action, and clickable social media icons. A good email signature generator can do all the hard work for you so that you only have to install the signature to make it appear with every email you send. No worries, it’s just a few quick clicks. 

See these email signature examples to get the idea of how it all looks like. 

When people see you inviting them to follow you on social media, they will probably do it as they may already know you through communicating with you via email.

Don’t forget to remind your email newsletter recipients to follow you on social networks as well. 

  • Website

If you have a website, make sure you put links to your social media profiles in a prominent place. From there, people can follow you and share your content.

  • Business cards and printed materials

Many people prefer to contact their favorite brand via Instagram or Facebook, not by phone or email. You can also see how many businesses allow placing orders via social media. So, today, along with a phone number and email address, business cards usually contain social media links (sometimes as a QR code). 

Get the most out of your profile

Below are a couple of simple tips for getting the most out of your profile no matter what platform you are using. 

  • Use the same profile image on every platform

Try to replicate your unique style across all of your social media networks. Use the same image on every platform if possible. This will help you build a consistent brand image and be recognized by your followers easily.

  • Add your industry-specific hashtags

You can use a keyword that characterizes your activity (#weddingphotography, #SEO, #marketing, #veganfoodnyc, etc.) in your bio, the name of the group or page, under your posts. If a person searches for such a hashtag, you will appear in search results.

  • Add CTAs to posts

It’s a good idea to add a call to action (CTA) at the end of your post in which you invite your readers to follow you, like, share, & comment on your posts.

  • Tag products 

Don’t ignore the Instagram/Facebook product tagging feature (available for business accounts) that allows us to tag products in social media posts and link them to your online store so users can make purchases with only a few clicks.

Image source: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/instagram-to-let-creators-tag-products-in-posts/305993/

Provide only value content and build a community 

Before you even start thinking about creating any content, make sure it is something people would want to interact with. If you provide value, followers engage easier. Your content has to resolve a person’s issue, improve their life or make something better. If it can’t do any of mentioned above, no one will care about your content.

The value you provide could be some insights, humor, or even knowledge about what to wear in 2021. It’s all up to your area of expertise and passion.

Create a calendar

Draw up a content plan considering the days of the week (for instance, your followers and subscribers might be busy on Sunday afternoon). Soon, you will identify the best time for your audience to receive content. 

Prepare different posts for different social media channels.

In the content plan, leave some room for changes. For instance, something worthy of attention might happen in the world, and you might want to cover it in your post. 

Use social media promotion tools

If you really want to get your social media profiles in shape in 2021, you should definitely consider adding the following promotion tools to your marketing toolkit.

The tool lets us create beautiful infographics, charts, and maps in minutes. Categories include social media graphics, posters, Instagram posts, LinkedIn posts, Pinterest posts, Twitter posts, YouTube thumbnails, posters, slides, etc.

With this solution, you can boost your organic social media content to reach new users and fight the decline in organic reach. Easily target key segments and niches by age, location, user interests, etc.

This is a social listening and media monitoring tool enabling you to understand audience perception across social platforms and the web.

This advanced tool discovers and analyzes multiple content pieces, making comprehensive and reliable data accessible to us. Buzzsumo provides insight into what type of content is working, why, and which influencers can amplify it.

This tool can schedule social media posts for you. In addition to the scheduling feature, you can create tailored posts for each social platform, respond to conversations from a shared team inbox, and analyze your social channel performance.


You don’t necessarily have to waste a lot of money on ads to grow your social media following. Start with these simple tips to surround yourself with your dream customers. 

1.  Prepare your profiles for promotion;

2. Provide your audience with high-quality content;

3. Promote your social media through email signature marketing, website, and printable materials;

4. Create a content calendar;

5. Experiment with social media promotion tools.

email signatureemail signature examplesemail signature generator